CIAC State Open Boys Championship 2023 vs CIAC State Open Boys Championship 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -14 175 189
Overall Average +5.16 17:38.99 17:33.83
1st-10th Place +4.70 15:54.80 15:50.10
1st-25th Place +2.96 16:08.12 16:05.16
1st-50th Place +2.14 16:27.46 16:25.32
1st-100th Place +2.97 16:53.47 16:50.50
Common Athletes -- -- 71
Ran Faster -49 11 60
Ran Season Best -2 4 6
Average Time +25.73 17:24.72 16:58.99
Median Time +25.00 17:21.00 16:56.00
Middle 80% Times +25.88 17:25.82 16:59.95
Top 10% Times +19.25 16:05.38 15:46.13
Top 25% Times +23.22 16:23.22 16:00.00
Top 50% Times +27.53 16:47.42 16:19.89
Bottom 50% Times +23.22 17:33.00 17:09.78
Bottom 25% Times +26.22 18:27.94 18:01.72
Bottom 10% Times +32.38 18:51.88 18:19.50
Average Difference +25.73 -- --
Median Difference +18.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +25.37 -- --
Top 10% Difference +15.88 -- --
Top 50% Difference +23.03 -- --
Top 25% Difference +19.94 -- --
Top 50% Difference +23.03 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +28.22 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +38.61 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +52.00 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Soheib Dissa Newtown High School +13.00 15:37.00 15:24.00
Luke Cushing Amity High School +21.00 16:03.00 15:42.00
Magnus Manley Ridgefield High School +22.00 16:06.00 15:44.00
Sean McCauley East Lyme High School +21.00 16:07.00 15:46.00
Tycen LaBelle Griswold High School +30.00 16:17.00 15:47.00
Charles Lovett Ridgefield High School +13.00 16:08.00 15:55.00
Spencer Slayton E.O. Smith High School +1:32.00 17:27.00 15:55.00
Samuel Zwick-Lavinsky Staples High School +1:11.00 17:07.00 15:56.00
Evan Bureau Bethel High School +4.00 16:09.00 16:05.00
Sam Leone East Lyme High School +49.00 16:56.00 16:07.00
Trevor Fuller Ridgefield High School +30.00 16:38.00 16:08.00
Owen Martin Xavier High School +38.00 16:47.00 16:09.00
Sullivan Dunn Ridgefield High School +21.00 16:32.00 16:11.00
William Liebler Southington High School +58.00 17:10.00 16:12.00
Jack Ouellette Xavier High School +3.00 16:17.00 16:14.00
Shepard Livingston Bolton High School +41.00 16:55.00 16:14.00
Michael Komisky Danbury High School +8.00 16:22.00 16:14.00
Christian Menounos Woodstock Academy -1.00 16:16.00 16:17.00
Lorenzo Lopes Immaculate High School +19.00 16:37.00 16:18.00
Matthew Carrier East Lyme High School +35.00 16:54.00 16:19.00
Kyle Jeffers Danbury High School -51.00 16:20.00 17:11.00
Landon Wall Brookfield High School +55.00 17:16.00 16:21.00
Colton Sallum Woodstock Academy +1:07.00 17:32.00 16:25.00
Jilali Benjdid East Lyme High School +25.00 16:54.00 16:29.00
Alex Glenn Ridgefield High School +43.00 17:15.00 16:32.00
Daniel DiTunno Rocky Hill High School +43.00 17:19.00 16:36.00
Brendan Cook E.O. Smith High School +16.00 16:54.00 16:38.00
Matthew Kraszewski Nathan Hale-Ray High School +38.00 17:17.00 16:39.00
Donovan Connole Hall High School +29.00 17:09.00 16:40.00
Brian Smith Rocky Hill High School +21.00 17:04.00 16:43.00
Tyler Deme Sheehan High School +26.00 17:17.00 16:51.00
Oliver Samuel Staples High School +53.00 17:45.00 16:52.00
Connor Garrett Hamden High School +27.00 17:20.00 16:53.00
Andrew Organ Suffield High School +1:14.00 18:08.00 16:54.00
Jason Cao E.O. Smith High School +1:36.00 18:30.00 16:54.00
Jack Cozean Haddam-Killingworth +30.00 17:26.00 16:56.00
Sebastian Halpern Wilbur Cross High School +1.00 16:57.00 16:56.00
Daniel McCourt Haddam-Killingworth +25.00 17:23.00 16:58.00
Braeden Knotts East Catholic High School +15.00 17:17.00 17:02.00
Owen Jones Xavier High School +10.00 17:13.00 17:03.00
Calum Madigan Staples High School +18.00 17:21.00 17:03.00
Ryan Newcomb Greenwich High School +40.00 17:45.00 17:05.00
Beau Kociszewski Thomaston High School +12.00 17:21.00 17:09.00
Aaron Allen Nathan Hale-Ray High School +42.00 17:55.00 17:13.00
Benjamin Hayes Greenwich High School +2:17.00 19:32.00 17:15.00
Kyle McCarron Housatonic High School +5.00 17:20.00 17:15.00
DYLAN BATHRICK Cromwell High School -29.00 17:16.00 17:45.00
Hudson Schunk Fairfield Warde +38.00 17:55.00 17:17.00
Grant Bigger Conard High -30.00 17:22.00 17:52.00
Harrison Sydor Staples High School +40.00 18:02.00 17:22.00
Ayden Collura Rocky Hill High School +36.00 18:02.00 17:26.00
Core Christensen Rocky Hill High School -3.00 17:28.00 17:31.00
Michael Blankenship Southington High School +1:06.00 18:35.00 17:29.00
Cash Smigel Haddam-Killingworth +45.00 18:16.00 17:31.00
Jaxson Koczur Southington High School +8.00 17:39.00 17:31.00
Ian Schmeelk Xavier High School -2.00 17:34.00 17:36.00
Chase Nizielski Greenwich High School -22.00 17:37.00 17:59.00
Dillon Stoeffler Tolland High School +28.00 18:05.00 17:37.00
Jake Ferrare Holy Cross High School -2.00 17:39.00 17:41.00
Cole Darrow Nathan Hale-Ray High School +57.00 18:43.00 17:46.00
Dylan Jelliffe Greenwich High School -34.00 17:48.00 18:22.00
Aiden Padros New Milford High School -7.00 17:49.00 17:56.00
Alexander Renzulli Fairfield Warde +35.00 18:25.00 17:50.00
Logan Simons Rocky Hill High School +12.00 18:08.00 17:56.00
Maximillian Mocarski Fairfield Warde +23.00 18:19.00 17:56.00
Antonio Soldato Ledyard High School +3.00 17:59.00 17:56.00
Matt Lara Haddam-Killingworth +20.00 18:18.00 17:58.00
Alex Fredericksen Haddam-Killingworth -31.00 18:11.00 18:42.00
Alexander Gau Rocky Hill High School +25.00 18:36.00 18:11.00
Griffin Kelly Nathan Hale-Ray High School +35.00 18:58.00 18:23.00
Anaia Abraham Rocky Hill High School +31.00 19:36.00 19:05.00