Wickham Park Invitational 2019

Manchester, CT

Wickham Park Invitational 2019 vs 37th Wickham Park Invitational 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +186 2391 2205
Overall Average -21.34 23:01.60 23:22.94
1st-10th Place -5.10 16:15.50 16:20.60
1st-25th Place -12.20 16:27.60 16:39.80
1st-50th Place -12.02 16:45.10 16:57.12
1st-100th Place -8.63 17:10.58 17:19.21
Common Athletes -- -- 428
Ran Faster -145 149 294
Ran Season Best -18 87 105
Average Time +39.22 23:06.45 22:27.23
Median Time +47.00 22:33.00 21:46.00
Middle 80% Times +42.99 22:49.36 22:06.38
Top 10% Times +58.28 18:20.14 17:21.86
Top 25% Times +1:02.14 19:16.16 18:14.02
Top 50% Times +1:02.14 20:24.48 19:22.34
Bottom 50% Times +16.29 25:48.41 25:32.12
Bottom 25% Times -3.74 27:52.20 27:55.94
Bottom 10% Times -11.37 30:15.84 30:27.21
Average Difference +34.94 -- --
Median Difference +2:13.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +44.81 -- --
Top 10% Difference +41.81 -- --
Top 50% Difference +51.46 -- --
Top 25% Difference +49.27 -- --
Top 50% Difference +51.46 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +17.17 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -1.85 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -24.58 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Michael Bohlke Newington High School +37.00 16:31.00 15:54.00
Jack Martin Avon High School -8.00 16:11.00 16:19.00
Nikita Omelchenko Wilbur Cross High School +4:32.00 20:50.00 16:18.00
Luke Stoeffler Tolland High School +1:16.00 17:38.00 16:22.00
Jackson Borge North Kingstown High School +2:26.00 18:52.00 16:26.00
Sean Barkasy Manchester High School +43.00 17:17.00 16:34.00
Sean Kennedy-Wonneberger Nathan Hale-Ray High School +1:11.00 17:45.00 16:34.00
Carver Morgan Avon High School +1:20.00 18:01.00 16:41.00
Davis Anderson Simsbury High School +1:15.00 17:59.00 16:44.00
William Calhoun Rham High School +1:19.00 18:08.00 16:49.00
Jake Sullivan North Kingstown High School +23.00 17:23.00 17:00.00
Calvin Young Joel Barlow High School +1:21.00 18:21.00 17:00.00
Francis Porrini III Bristol Central High School +54.00 17:58.00 17:04.00
William Rodrigues Shelton High School +1:11.00 18:25.00 17:14.00
Brayden Bayek Rocky Hill High School +1:46.00 19:00.00 17:14.00
Michael Kraszewski Nathan Hale-Ray High School +2:09.00 19:24.00 17:15.00
Lucas Hester Avon High School +57.00 18:15.00 17:18.00
Ryan Gruczka Stonington High School +37.00 17:57.00 17:20.00
Danny Hilmer Daniel Hand High School +1:41.00 19:08.00 17:27.00
Andrew Linkenhoker Monson Jr. Sr. High School +1:59.00 19:27.00 17:28.00
Israel Caro East Catholic High School +2:42.00 20:10.00 17:28.00
Aidan Ladr Ellington High School +1:01.00 18:30.00 17:29.00
Ben Fisher Berlin High School +3.00 17:33.00 17:30.00
Jack Toolin North Kingstown High School +23.00 17:54.00 17:31.00
Harrison Krause Glastonbury High School +2:50.00 20:23.00 17:33.00
Aiden Powers Smithfield High School +2:19.00 19:55.00 17:36.00
Nicholas Bailey Avon High School +1:12.00 18:52.00 17:40.00
Lucas Thompson Simsbury High School -17.00 17:42.00 17:59.00
Carson Riley Fitch High School +1:34.00 19:18.00 17:44.00
Nathanael Huebner Foran High School +2:35.00 20:24.00 17:49.00
Logan Crowley Bristol Eastern High School +1:13.00 19:03.00 17:50.00
Matthew Robert Nashua North High School +1:50.00 19:41.00 17:51.00
Robert Dinatale Cheshire High School +30.00 18:22.00 17:52.00
Unwana Okokon Smithfield High School +2:20.00 20:14.00 17:54.00
Aidan Emanuelson Joel Barlow High School +1:17.00 19:12.00 17:55.00
Devin Rodriquez Notre Dame-West Haven +31.00 18:26.00 17:55.00
Nick Fusco Terryville High School +44.00 18:40.00 17:56.00
Silas Gourley Bolton High School +1:47.00 19:44.00 17:57.00
Hector Meza Wilbur Cross High School +3:21.00 21:18.00 17:57.00
Liam Fedigan Jonathan Law High School +21.00 18:22.00 18:01.00
Ryan Schmid Joel Barlow High School +46.00 18:48.00 18:02.00
Jevonte Eaves Avon High School -21.00 18:05.00 18:26.00
Caleb Curtis Manchester High School +1:15.00 19:20.00 18:05.00
Trem Ampeloquio Brookfield High School +1:10.00 19:15.00 18:05.00
Daniel Owen Granby High School +2:00.00 20:05.00 18:05.00
Benjamin Campion Somers High School +1:50.00 19:56.00 18:06.00
Liam McGoldrick Simsbury High School +39.00 18:46.00 18:07.00
D'sean Coffie Nashua North High School +1:28.00 19:35.00 18:07.00
Cameron Colletti Glastonbury High School +3:27.00 21:38.00 18:11.00
Colin Grevelding Cheshire High School +1:16.00 19:30.00 18:14.00
Rowan Gottshall Simsbury High School +2:04.00 20:20.00 18:16.00
Rachel St. Germain Somers High School +2:03.00 20:19.00 18:16.00
Wolf Boone Wilbur Cross High School +11.00 18:28.00 18:17.00
Dominic Pena Glastonbury High School +3:32.00 21:49.00 18:17.00
Will Dalles Coginchaug Regional High School +1:06.00 19:25.00 18:19.00
Jack Ciambra Joel Barlow High School +1:29.00 19:49.00 18:20.00
Hayden Gonzales Coginchaug Regional High School +2:01.00 20:21.00 18:20.00
Jack O'Donnell Avon High School +1:49.00 20:13.00 18:24.00
Shaun Fifield Concord Carlisle High School +31.00 18:56.00 18:25.00
Matt Rostkowski Rocky Hill High School +1:26.00 19:52.00 18:26.00
Donald Bailey Wilbur Cross High School +23.00 18:53.00 18:30.00
Patrick Zdunek Branford High School -5.00 18:30.00 18:35.00
Wes Raymond Branford High School +1:39.00 20:10.00 18:31.00
Ben Chidley Fitch High School +1:19.00 19:52.00 18:33.00
Matt Reeves Immaculate High School +51.00 19:25.00 18:34.00
Andrew Hicks Westhill High School +1:46.00 20:20.00 18:34.00
Noah Perryman Tolland High School +38.00 19:12.00 18:34.00
Zach Hurwitz North Kingstown High School -11.00 18:35.00 18:46.00
Nicholas Martin Xavier High School +13.00 18:49.00 18:36.00
Tyler Wurm North Haven High School -1:03.00 18:37.00 19:40.00
Will Turgeon Berlin High School +2:33.00 21:10.00 18:37.00
Donovan Koukal-koll Suffield High School +2:00.00 20:39.00 18:39.00
Omkar Maralappanvar Brookfield High School +3:34.00 22:16.00 18:42.00
Brendan Kelly Farmington High School -19.00 18:43.00 19:02.00
Connor Foss Thomaston High School +1:03.00 19:46.00 18:43.00
Alex Gabor Berlin High School -1:51.00 18:44.00 20:35.00
Caleb Simpson Tolland High School +1:35.00 20:22.00 18:47.00
Cole Ross Immaculate High School +2:55.00 21:44.00 18:49.00
Andrew Raymond Simsbury High School +2:53.00 21:48.00 18:55.00
Josh Maddox East Windsor High School +1:13.00 20:08.00 18:55.00
Aidan Zahner Tolland High School +1:53.00 20:48.00 18:55.00
Tyler Rose Smithfield High School +1:08.00 20:04.00 18:56.00
Harry Whitten Old Lyme High School +1:42.00 20:38.00 18:56.00
Andrew Laflamme Nashua North High School +24.00 19:21.00 18:57.00
Ares Savvides South Windsor High School -33.00 18:58.00 19:31.00
Jackson Stone Glastonbury High School +1:20.00 20:20.00 19:00.00
Jack Turecek Portland High School +17.00 19:18.00 19:01.00
Evan Chen Simsbury High School -3:22.00 19:01.00 22:23.00
Dante Marciano Bristol Eastern High School +1:24.00 20:26.00 19:02.00
Cole Trautman Avon High School +2:00.00 21:03.00 19:03.00
Ryan Heneghan Rham High School +3:32.00 22:35.00 19:03.00
Caleb Shea Notre Dame-West Haven +1:40.00 20:46.00 19:06.00
Kyle Jennings Simsbury High School +9.00 19:16.00 19:07.00
Conor Selfors Xavier High School +10.00 19:17.00 19:07.00
Sam Stiewing Daniel Hand High School -32.00 19:08.00 19:40.00
Charles Coccoli Joel Barlow High School +1:53.00 21:02.00 19:09.00
Lance Archibald Bristol Central High School +3:13.00 22:22.00 19:09.00
Luke Bartlett Waterford High School +16.00 19:28.00 19:12.00
James Colwell Xavier High School +2:18.00 21:34.00 19:16.00
Justin Cummings Notre Dame-West Haven +2:08.00 21:25.00 19:17.00
Derek Tewksbury Portland High School +36.00 19:54.00 19:18.00
Michael Rubano North Haven High School -34.00 19:19.00 19:53.00
Zachary Gamble Waterford High School -26.00 19:20.00 19:46.00
Tighe Duggan Foran High School +2:00.00 21:20.00 19:20.00
Karsten Peters Cromwell High School -36.00 19:21.00 19:57.00
Matt Anderson Plainville High School +1:52.00 21:14.00 19:22.00
Luke Nugent North Haven High School +2:32.00 21:54.00 19:22.00
Micah Mlyniec Norwich Free Academy +2:24.00 21:47.00 19:23.00
Kenneth Reel Nashua North High School +2:09.00 21:34.00 19:25.00
Jake Tacinelli Avon High School +36.00 20:02.00 19:26.00
Mason Fox Bolton High School +41.00 20:07.00 19:26.00
Ryan Russo Rham High School +1:07.00 20:38.00 19:31.00
Samuel Brudz Bolton High School +13.00 19:44.00 19:31.00
George Williams Old Lyme High School +3:17.00 22:48.00 19:31.00
Seth Donlin Avon High School +1:25.00 20:57.00 19:32.00
Molly Sullivan North Kingstown High School +2:44.00 22:17.00 19:33.00
Kael Bailey East Catholic High School +2:03.00 21:37.00 19:34.00
Peyton Bornstein Tolland High School +26.00 20:02.00 19:36.00
Theo Joseph Waterford High School +4:16.00 23:52.00 19:36.00
Daniel Sozanski Plainville High School -1:12.00 19:39.00 20:51.00
Josh Cummings Foran High School +40.00 20:19.00 19:39.00
Emily Brydges Suffield High School +10.00 19:50.00 19:40.00
Logan Palardy Coginchaug Regional High School +3:23.00 23:03.00 19:40.00
Jordan Malloy Bacon Academy +4:33.00 24:16.00 19:43.00
Avery Gugliotti Nathan Hale-Ray High School +18.00 20:01.00 19:43.00
Damon Downs Foran High School +6.00 19:50.00 19:44.00
Jason Skoog Manchester High School +2:08.00 21:54.00 19:46.00
Jack Larson Manchester High School +1:42.00 21:28.00 19:46.00
Hamilton Thorpe Monson Jr. Sr. High School -9.00 19:47.00 19:56.00
William Haddad Glastonbury High School +1:10.00 20:57.00 19:47.00
Camargo Jose Sheehan High School +1:07.00 20:54.00 19:47.00
Benjamin Gottsche Granby High School -34.00 19:52.00 20:26.00
Maxwell Czarnecki Rham High School +2:28.00 22:20.00 19:52.00
Liam Murphy Northwestern Regional High School +1:41.00 21:34.00 19:53.00
Daniel Folloni Jonathan Law High School +3:21.00 23:15.00 19:54.00
Dantia Braccio Nashua North High School +38.00 20:32.00 19:54.00
Jonathan Lattimer Windsor High School -1:01.00 19:55.00 20:56.00
Trevor LeDuc Cumberland +12.00 20:09.00 19:57.00
Daniel Lamoureux Berlin High School +2:07.00 22:04.00 19:57.00
Anthony Serrano Middletown High School +14.00 20:13.00 19:59.00
Ben Klein Nashua North High School +1:02.00 21:02.00 20:00.00
Reese Maguire Old Lyme High School +2:47.00 22:48.00 20:01.00
Travis Zeidler Jonathan Law High School +2:32.00 22:33.00 20:01.00
Mark Laudano Coginchaug Regional High School +1:21.00 21:24.00 20:03.00
Jack Flynn Xavier High School +6:13.00 26:16.00 20:03.00
Patrick Sutton Joel Barlow High School +1:00.00 21:03.00 20:03.00
Ben Yalof Glastonbury High School +1:19.00 21:23.00 20:04.00
Nell Grant Amity High School +1:32.00 21:38.00 20:06.00
Alex Miloszewski Berlin High School +3.00 20:10.00 20:07.00
Abby Souza Newton Country Day +1:16.00 21:23.00 20:07.00
Calista Mayer Tolland High School -5.00 20:09.00 20:14.00
Joshua Zolla Lewis Mills High School +4:04.00 24:13.00 20:09.00
Quin Hagan Daniel Hand High School +4:18.00 24:28.00 20:10.00
Christopher Ferraro Northwestern Regional High School +18.00 20:29.00 20:11.00
Justin Fackrell Ellington High School +3:19.00 23:31.00 20:12.00
Cooper Barrett Somers High School +22.00 20:35.00 20:13.00
Nathan Jankowski Fitch High School +51.00 21:05.00 20:14.00
Ethan Speerli Daniel Hand High School +3:30.00 23:45.00 20:15.00
Troy Woodward Northwestern Regional High School -2.00 20:16.00 20:18.00
Aiden Kelley Tolland High School +4:22.00 24:38.00 20:16.00
Jake Milner North Kingstown High School +4.00 20:23.00 20:19.00
John White Enfield High School +1:07.00 21:28.00 20:21.00
Kelly Jones Lauralton High School +3:00.00 23:21.00 20:21.00
Michael Dejoseph Cheshire High School +1:26.00 21:48.00 20:22.00
Josh Wentzell Middletown High School +1:36.00 21:58.00 20:22.00
Nathan Moore Griswold High School +28.00 20:53.00 20:25.00
Julia Cressotti Newton Country Day +1:52.00 22:17.00 20:25.00
Jamie Dykstra Manchester High School +2:09.00 22:40.00 20:31.00
Kayla Ondy Immaculate High School +3.00 20:36.00 20:33.00
Evan Gilgenbach Griswold High School +3:49.00 24:24.00 20:35.00
Ethan Bouchard Brookfield High School +14.00 20:52.00 20:38.00
Alex Turco South Windsor High School +55.00 21:36.00 20:41.00
Tj Macphail Monson Jr. Sr. High School +2:41.00 23:22.00 20:41.00
Gabriella Carnevale North Kingstown High School +2:37.00 23:19.00 20:42.00
Braden Joyal Somers High School +2:09.00 22:52.00 20:43.00
Lucy Bergin Glastonbury High School +1:32.00 22:15.00 20:43.00
Harrison Heller Lewis Mills High School -7.00 20:44.00 20:51.00
Aidan Hierl Coventry High School +2.00 20:47.00 20:45.00
Ruby Nunnery North Kingstown High School +2.00 20:47.00 20:45.00
Marenn Ek Avon High School +12.00 20:58.00 20:46.00
Mark Macdaniel Notre Dame-West Haven -12.00 20:46.00 20:58.00
Abby Smith Simsbury High School -28.00 20:48.00 21:16.00
Amber Borofsky Joel Barlow High School -59.00 20:50.00 21:49.00
Andrew Kittleman Nathan Hale-Ray High School +2:13.00 23:07.00 20:54.00
Gavin Cardita Brookfield High School +1:17.00 22:13.00 20:56.00
Jack Rubacha Nonnewaug High School +1:24.00 22:20.00 20:56.00
Maria Corcoran Rocky Hill High School +1:24.00 22:22.00 20:58.00
Aaron Mansfield Sheehan High School +25.00 21:23.00 20:58.00
Helen Blakeslee Lyman Memorial High School -1:30.00 20:59.00 22:29.00
Kian Reyes Thomaston High School +2:39.00 23:38.00 20:59.00
Wyatt Cashman Suffield High School -5.00 21:02.00 21:07.00
Joshua Clarke Windsor High School +23.00 21:26.00 21:03.00
Jake Duggan Foran High School +26.00 21:29.00 21:03.00
Nico Popeleski Xaverian Brothers -51.00 21:03.00 21:54.00
Tori Chace North Kingstown High School +10.00 21:16.00 21:06.00
Caelum Janski Granby High School +2:01.00 23:07.00 21:06.00
Gracie Flynn Somers High School +2:58.00 24:05.00 21:07.00
Aviva Wyner Amity High School -50.00 21:08.00 21:58.00
Keelin Bremner Immaculate High School +8.00 21:16.00 21:08.00
Alex Leon Newington High School +4.00 21:13.00 21:09.00
Christopher Kovaci Notre Dame-West Haven -25.00 21:09.00 21:34.00
Erik Jensen Wolcott High School -23.00 21:10.00 21:33.00
Nicholas Kutschke Nashua North High School +1:02.00 22:12.00 21:10.00
Kaitlyn Deforest Terryville High School +9.00 21:21.00 21:12.00
Olivia Dickson Glastonbury High School +3.00 21:15.00 21:12.00
Quan Nguyen Notre Dame-West Haven +1:57.00 23:10.00 21:13.00
Isabelle Mcnamee Tolland High School -47.00 21:16.00 22:03.00
Charles Lincoln Lewis Mills High School -1:12.00 21:17.00 22:29.00
Zachary Liebl Newington High School -1:33.00 21:19.00 22:52.00
Colin Crump Waterford High School +56.00 22:15.00 21:19.00
Gabriel Stradtman Litchfield High School +2:09.00 23:30.00 21:21.00
Sonney Inthisom Stafford High School -1:51.00 21:22.00 23:13.00
Max Hussey Lyman Memorial High School +4.00 21:28.00 21:24.00
Josiah Banks Bacon Academy +2:08.00 23:35.00 21:27.00
Jonah Borrup Newington High School -2:13.00 21:28.00 23:41.00
Marco Supersano Old Lyme High School +1:53.00 23:21.00 21:28.00
John Finnegan Notre Dame-West Haven +4.00 21:33.00 21:29.00
Noah Gallagher Tolland High School +1:29.00 22:59.00 21:30.00
Jake Ferrucci Litchfield High School +2:18.00 23:50.00 21:32.00
Sean Ronzello Avon High School +1.00 21:35.00 21:34.00
Michael Klier Old Lyme High School +21.00 21:56.00 21:35.00
Eilish Foy Shepaug Valley +1:57.00 23:32.00 21:35.00
Kitty Martin Simsbury High School -31.00 21:35.00 22:06.00
Travis Lord Avon High School -1:15.00 21:36.00 22:51.00
Xander Budge Northwestern Regional High School +24.00 22:02.00 21:38.00
Isabelle Mondo Rham High School -1:24.00 21:40.00 23:04.00
Liam Lavery Northwestern Regional High School -12.00 21:41.00 21:53.00
Nathaniel Gauvin Griswold High School +8.00 21:51.00 21:43.00
Jason Zhou Glastonbury High School -2.00 21:45.00 21:47.00
Jacob Whitesell Windsor High School +3:07.00 24:53.00 21:46.00
Kyla Lorden Simsbury High School -26.00 21:46.00 22:12.00
Fiona Gallagher Bristol Eastern High School -1:12.00 21:51.00 23:03.00
Sean Salvador Waterford High School -45.00 21:51.00 22:36.00
Shawn Laverty Portland High School +4:24.00 26:15.00 21:51.00
Wesley Ong Xavier High School +7:30.00 29:21.00 21:51.00
Rachael Turek Bethel High School +1:12.00 23:09.00 21:57.00
Meghan Georgesco Cheshire High School -11.00 21:58.00 22:09.00
Jacob Stechshulte Windsor High School +53.00 22:53.00 22:00.00
Payton Mozelak Thomaston High School +14.00 22:14.00 22:00.00
Maxwell Rumovicz Bolton High School -1:42.00 22:00.00 23:42.00
Sarah Ongley Glastonbury High School +2:27.00 24:30.00 22:03.00
April Kelly Somers High School +7:52.00 30:00.00 22:08.00
Taylor Michaud Bolton High School +2:40.00 24:52.00 22:12.00
Logan Benoit Griswold High School +1:48.00 24:02.00 22:14.00
Tait Gaudet Somers High School +1:13.00 23:27.00 22:14.00
Daniel Blanda Bacon Academy +1:01.00 23:16.00 22:15.00
Carmine Trovato Simsbury High School +1:11.00 23:27.00 22:16.00
Carys Cook Lauralton High School +4:36.00 26:52.00 22:16.00
Cody Mccollaum Monson Jr. Sr. High School -6.00 22:18.00 22:24.00
William Girard Bacon Academy +2:05.00 24:23.00 22:18.00
Dylan Wininger-siev Waterford High School -2:09.00 22:19.00 24:28.00
Ilona Csoka Farmington High School -1:26.00 22:20.00 23:46.00
Tim Daly Cromwell High School +55.00 23:15.00 22:20.00
Victoria Schweitzer Ledyard High School +1:25.00 23:47.00 22:22.00
Thomas Ryen Glastonbury High School -22.00 22:23.00 22:45.00
Kiera Fainer Thomaston High School -1:26.00 22:23.00 23:49.00
Kenny Vu Wethersfield High School +1:09.00 23:35.00 22:26.00
Derek Calabro Lewis Mills High School -28.00 22:26.00 22:54.00
Kadija Crapo Litchfield High School +6.00 22:34.00 22:28.00
Evan Whittaker Middletown High School +2:34.00 25:02.00 22:28.00
Matt Morneault Plainville High School +1:07.00 23:36.00 22:29.00
Silvia Chen Fitch High School +2:43.00 25:13.00 22:30.00
Katherine Harren Ledyard High School -3:44.00 22:31.00 26:15.00
Patrick Kearney Enfield High School -11.00 22:31.00 22:42.00
Matthew Bullock South Windsor High School +3:23.00 25:55.00 22:32.00
Delaney Woolbert Newton Country Day -51.00 22:32.00 23:23.00
Ethan Roberts Newington High School -1:05.00 22:32.00 23:37.00
Evan Morgan Old Lyme High School -1:18.00 22:34.00 23:52.00
Clay Targowski Shelton High School +48.00 23:25.00 22:37.00
Sydney Weimer Rham High School +2:26.00 25:03.00 22:37.00
Liam Deyoung Portland High School +3:43.00 26:20.00 22:37.00
Grace Mikan Cromwell High School -1:09.00 22:40.00 23:49.00
Dominick Fine Enfield High School -19.00 22:40.00 22:59.00
Claudia Jankovich Berlin High School +20.00 23:00.00 22:40.00
Olivia Weir Lyman Hall High School -8.00 22:43.00 22:51.00
Violet Andrews Parish Hill -1:40.00 22:44.00 24:24.00
Matthew Cain Wilbur Cross High School +4:03.00 26:47.00 22:44.00
Sophia Balskus Bolton High School +2:38.00 25:25.00 22:47.00
Kamili Riera Manchester High School +1:12.00 24:02.00 22:50.00
Cameron Miles Middletown High School +5:12.00 28:08.00 22:56.00
Mackenzie Ulisse North Kingstown High School +48.00 23:46.00 22:58.00
Jason Loh Shelton High School -1:08.00 22:59.00 24:07.00
Ella Szczepanski Farmington High School +19.00 23:19.00 23:00.00
Audrey Turcotte Smithfield High School -3:15.00 23:02.00 26:17.00
Audrey Grant Rocky Hill High School -33.00 23:02.00 23:35.00
Payton Orosco North Haven High School +1:20.00 24:24.00 23:04.00
Riley Lill Simsbury High School -45.00 23:10.00 23:55.00
Nina Gregory Windsor High School -1:20.00 23:11.00 24:31.00
Hannah Caiola Glastonbury High School +46.00 23:57.00 23:11.00
Nora Carini Bolton High School +7.00 23:18.00 23:11.00
Kate McEwen North Kingstown High School +1:06.00 24:18.00 23:12.00
Ryan Cramer Windsor High School +20.00 23:33.00 23:13.00
Matthew Lapila Portland High School +34.00 23:49.00 23:15.00
Emma Perun Shepaug Valley -6.00 23:17.00 23:23.00
Mary Sakoulas Cromwell High School -1:15.00 23:20.00 24:35.00
Caitlyn Healy Glastonbury High School +3:02.00 26:22.00 23:20.00
Ryan Clark Old Lyme High School -25.00 23:24.00 23:49.00
Isabel Cintron Rockville High School +1:47.00 25:11.00 23:24.00
NiK Badinelli Immaculate High School +41.00 24:06.00 23:25.00
Jack Kulpa Wethersfield High School -32.00 23:32.00 24:04.00
Carly Budge Northwestern Regional High School +59.00 24:31.00 23:32.00
Mollie Pacheco Tolland High School -1:42.00 23:33.00 25:15.00
Taylor Ferrari Rham High School -29.00 23:37.00 24:06.00
Rocco Brucoli Waterford High School +2:06.00 25:48.00 23:42.00
Caroline Peak Wethersfield High School -16.00 23:45.00 24:01.00
Audrey Rancourt Middletown High School -2:17.00 23:46.00 26:03.00
Isabel Gravlin Granby High School -1:06.00 23:46.00 24:52.00
Anya Gorder Joel Barlow High School -6:03.00 23:47.00 29:50.00
Abigail Cappiello Enfield High School -2:02.00 23:47.00 25:49.00
Dante Bergantino University High School -1:44.00 23:48.00 25:32.00
Jakob Potter Suffield High School -37.00 23:50.00 24:27.00
Paige Zuverink Manchester High School -42.00 23:52.00 24:34.00
Nina Holm Rham High School -47.00 23:52.00 24:39.00
Faith Shores Simsbury High School -48.00 23:54.00 24:42.00
Gavin Broderick Tolland High School +1:35.00 25:29.00 23:54.00
Emily Denunzio Bolton High School +1:39.00 25:35.00 23:56.00
Ryan Walsh Fairfield Ludlowe -55.00 23:57.00 24:52.00
Donahue Justin Somers High School -2:17.00 23:59.00 26:16.00
Trinity Moulton Lewis Mills High School -14.00 24:01.00 24:15.00
Nicholas Martino Ellington High School -1:03.00 24:01.00 25:04.00
Melissa Carlson Middletown High School -1:16.00 24:02.00 25:18.00
Natalie Forno Middletown High School +39.00 24:42.00 24:03.00
Lana Houlberg Bolton High School +17.00 24:22.00 24:05.00
Christian Divernieri Nashua North High School +1:25.00 25:30.00 24:05.00
Calla Kutschke Nashua North High School +56.00 25:01.00 24:05.00
Jack Thompson Waterford High School +2:44.00 26:52.00 24:08.00
Andrew Quintana Xavier High School -22.00 24:08.00 24:30.00
Noah Rogers Ellington High School +22.00 24:31.00 24:09.00
Kristy Zator Parish Hill -1:29.00 24:21.00 25:50.00
Gianna Uba Berlin High School -1:45.00 24:22.00 26:07.00
Lily Goldblatt Hamden High School +21.00 24:48.00 24:27.00
Megan Tranberg Wethersfield High School -3:54.00 24:30.00 28:24.00
Alexander Colon Bloomfield High School +1:18.00 25:48.00 24:30.00
Emily Rawlinson Smithfield High School -34.00 24:32.00 25:06.00
Erin Daley Northwestern Regional High School +1:31.00 26:06.00 24:35.00
Sylvia Wysor North Kingstown High School +1:52.00 26:29.00 24:37.00
Joshua Moore Bristol Eastern High School -4:21.00 24:40.00 29:01.00
Emma Tommell Lyman Hall High School -1:52.00 24:40.00 26:32.00
Anne Colangelo Old Lyme High School -1:41.00 24:45.00 26:26.00
Willow Burt Suffield High School -4:40.00 24:53.00 29:33.00
Anna Butrimas Berlin High School +10.00 25:05.00 24:55.00
Jocelyn Ramirez Wilbur Cross High School +34.00 25:29.00 24:55.00
Olivia Tebbetts Ellington High School +1:54.00 26:50.00 24:56.00
Grace Mccormack Lauralton High School -2:52.00 24:57.00 27:49.00
Michael John Bucoy Waterford High School -4:26.00 24:59.00 29:25.00
Connor Broderick Tolland High School -2.00 25:02.00 25:04.00
Amelia Ciarieglio Portland High School -4:35.00 25:08.00 29:43.00
Micah O'donnell Wethersfield High School +1:20.00 26:30.00 25:10.00
Caylin Davids Bacon Academy -5.00 25:11.00 25:16.00
Marcella Slason Lewis Mills High School +2:06.00 27:18.00 25:12.00
Emma Rhodes Rham High School +1:11.00 26:24.00 25:13.00
Chaney Savini Middletown High School -4:19.00 25:20.00 29:39.00
Sophie Artery North Kingstown High School -1:08.00 25:20.00 26:28.00
Gabrielle Essex Simsbury High School +1:38.00 26:58.00 25:20.00
Matthew Harris Ellington High School +13.00 25:34.00 25:21.00
Summer Spinelli Shelton High School +1:10.00 26:32.00 25:22.00
Maria Fiore Cheshire High School -3:18.00 25:26.00 28:44.00
Isabella Clow North Kingstown High School -2:29.00 25:36.00 28:05.00
Jonathan Jean Farmington High School -29.00 25:36.00 26:05.00
Eileen Anderson Coventry High School +2:35.00 28:13.00 25:38.00
Tallulah Whaley Joel Barlow High School -3:34.00 25:39.00 29:13.00
Avery Palmucci Amity High School +3:18.00 28:58.00 25:40.00
Jason Soliero Parish Hill +14.00 25:56.00 25:42.00
Cora Brownbill South Windsor High School +3.00 25:46.00 25:43.00
Elizabeth King Nonnewaug High School +48.00 26:32.00 25:44.00
Heleina Cicero Wethersfield High School +1:08.00 26:55.00 25:47.00
Quincy Ercanbrack Foran High School +8:09.00 33:58.00 25:49.00
Conner Farquhar University High School +22.00 26:13.00 25:51.00
Lilly Laskowski Monson Jr. Sr. High School +4:00.00 29:51.00 25:51.00
Austin Czarnecki Wethersfield High School +3.00 25:56.00 25:53.00
Julia Bielski Newington High School +5.00 26:14.00 26:09.00
Isabella Finta Branford High School +1:07.00 27:18.00 26:11.00
Emma Metevier South Windsor High School -2:38.00 26:16.00 28:54.00
Grace Mcpadden Shelton High School -2:13.00 26:16.00 28:29.00
Anthony Moyer Wethersfield High School -44.00 26:18.00 27:02.00
Sidney Fisk Bolton High School +31.00 26:49.00 26:18.00
Megan Breunig Shelton High School +10.00 26:29.00 26:19.00
Mary Wholean Old Lyme High School -1:22.00 26:21.00 27:43.00
Peyton Nash Shepaug Valley +1:38.00 28:02.00 26:24.00
Olivia Schulta Shepaug Valley +51.00 27:15.00 26:24.00
Cecelia Nigri Granby High School +56.00 27:25.00 26:29.00
Julong Williams Immaculate High School -30.00 26:32.00 27:02.00
Jack Donovan Waterford High School -56.00 26:34.00 27:30.00
Rhianna De Andrade Shelton High School -5:56.00 26:36.00 32:32.00
Carissa Toth Newington High School +3.00 26:41.00 26:38.00
Riley Minns North Haven High School +2:39.00 29:19.00 26:40.00
Logan Miller Simsbury High School -51.00 26:42.00 27:33.00
Christine Waterman Coginchaug Regional High School -2:33.00 26:46.00 29:19.00
Rosalyn Nahuatlato Wilbur Cross High School +7:05.00 33:51.00 26:46.00
Allison Gollenberg Litchfield High School -3:13.00 26:47.00 30:00.00
Lydia Beers Northwestern Regional High School +4:24.00 31:13.00 26:49.00
Ashlyn Tranquillo Litchfield High School -2:19.00 26:50.00 29:09.00
Kayla St. Jean Rham High School -9.00 26:54.00 27:03.00
Kylee Spitzer North Kingstown High School +1:02.00 27:59.00 26:57.00
Isabella Lenoce Coginchaug Regional High School +1:57.00 29:12.00 27:15.00
Mia Hankey Fitch High School -4:03.00 27:29.00 31:32.00
Brooke Rodgers Bacon Academy +16.00 28:00.00 27:44.00
Rebecca Schindler Lauralton High School -5:48.00 27:49.00 33:37.00
Kelly Marella Simsbury High School -20.00 27:54.00 28:14.00
Amelia Mcgonigle Foran High School +2:09.00 30:14.00 28:05.00
Elana Healy Griswold High School +2:11.00 30:17.00 28:06.00
Veronica Cummiskey Simsbury High School -10.00 28:14.00 28:24.00
Leah Masal Portland High School -2:40.00 28:19.00 30:59.00
Madison Szymaszek Portland High School +23.00 28:48.00 28:25.00
Jacob Stanczwkiewz Plainville High School +41.00 29:07.00 28:26.00
Kyle Guo North Haven High School +25.00 28:51.00 28:26.00
Ashley Granquist Northwestern Regional High School +3.00 28:35.00 28:32.00
Sky Michaud Rockville High School -3:45.00 28:38.00 32:23.00
Jocelyn Agostino Bristol Eastern High School -50.00 28:39.00 29:29.00
Natalia Huapaya Rham High School +1:20.00 29:59.00 28:39.00
Jenna Pothier Norwich Free Academy -2:00.00 28:40.00 30:40.00
Breanna Wallace Granby High School +1:23.00 30:03.00 28:40.00
Willa Kulynych-gri Simsbury High School +47.00 29:31.00 28:44.00
Rachel Brown Portland High School +1.00 28:56.00 28:55.00
Julia Capello Portland High School -1:49.00 29:37.00 31:26.00
Angela Podzunas Wolcott High School -4:07.00 29:52.00 33:59.00
Elisabetta Sposito North Haven High School +2:45.00 33:05.00 30:20.00
Johniece Jones Bloomfield High School +21.00 30:42.00 30:21.00
Shannon Carrier Amity High School +3:11.00 33:39.00 30:28.00
Makenzie Cossette Wolcott High School +4:50.00 35:22.00 30:32.00
Dana Pierce Portland High School -1:13.00 30:39.00 31:52.00
Makayla Cossette Wolcott High School -1:51.00 30:46.00 32:37.00
Caroline Klein South Windsor High School -2:50.00 30:49.00 33:39.00
Abigale Luetjen Tolland High School +50.00 32:05.00 31:15.00
Daniela Abreu Amity High School -1:07.00 31:59.00 33:06.00
Caley Neville North Haven High School -2:02.00 32:00.00 34:02.00
Maria Peschko Bethel High School +2:02.00 34:13.00 32:11.00
Ella Curran Lauralton High School -43.00 33:37.00 34:20.00