CIAC Division MM Boys Championship 2024 vs CIAC Division MM Boys Championship 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +21 165 144
Overall Average -31.73 19:59.81 20:31.54
1st-10th Place -33.90 16:23.40 16:57.30
1st-25th Place -33.12 16:58.08 17:31.20
1st-50th Place -38.24 17:36.56 18:14.80
1st-100th Place -47.60 18:25.70 19:13.30
Common Athletes -- -- 43
Ran Faster 41 42 1
Ran Season Best 4 4 --
Average Time -1:46.93 18:32.70 20:19.63
Median Time -1:22.00 18:33.00 19:55.00
Middle 80% Times -1:50.60 18:32.06 20:22.66
Top 10% Times -49.40 16:12.40 17:01.80
Top 25% Times -1:13.36 16:31.91 17:45.27
Top 50% Times -1:21.27 17:15.64 18:36.91
Bottom 50% Times -2:07.73 18:59.18 21:06.91
Bottom 25% Times -2:28.73 20:49.45 23:18.18
Bottom 10% Times -2:31.40 21:55.20 24:26.60
Average Difference -1:46.93 -- --
Median Difference -1:58.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:40.29 -- --
Top 10% Difference -44.60 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:16.50 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:07.82 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:16.50 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -2:17.86 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -2:50.45 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -3:41.80 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Sean McCauley East Lyme High School -47.00 15:55.00 16:42.00
Sam Leone East Lyme High School -1:01.00 16:10.00 17:11.00
Christian Menounos Woodstock Academy -35.00 16:15.00 16:50.00
Spencer Slayton E.O. Smith High School -1:27.00 16:17.00 17:44.00
Matthew Carrier East Lyme High School -52.00 16:25.00 17:17.00
Jilali Benjdid East Lyme High School -38.00 16:32.00 17:10.00
Colton Sallum Woodstock Academy -42.00 16:34.00 17:16.00
Matthew DeNardis North Haven High School -2:31.00 16:34.00 19:05.00
Jason Cao E.O. Smith High School -1:35.00 16:52.00 18:27.00
Brahm Bulow Avon High School -1:53.00 17:08.00 19:01.00
Brendan Cook E.O. Smith High School -2:21.00 17:09.00 19:30.00
Andrew Kessler Avon High School -1:29.00 17:13.00 18:42.00
Robert Piccirillo Pomperaug High -1:27.00 17:31.00 18:58.00
Jase Koczur Bristol Eastern High School -1:43.00 17:36.00 19:19.00
William Lancaster Avon High School -1:35.00 17:49.00 19:24.00
Johnel Padilla Rockville High School -1:58.00 17:57.00 19:55.00
Owen Fletcher Notre Dame-West Haven -1:33.00 18:03.00 19:36.00
Kyle Kelley Bristol Eastern High School -1:53.00 18:09.00 20:02.00
Sebastian RIERA Masuk High School -1:02.00 18:14.00 19:16.00
William Nusom Avon High School -1:05.00 18:21.00 19:26.00
Bronson Eddy Woodstock Academy -2:40.00 18:27.00 21:07.00
Dan FLANAGAN Pomperaug High -53.00 18:33.00 19:26.00
Diego Hoyos North Haven High School -3:21.00 18:33.00 21:54.00
Cole Beland Bristol Eastern High School -1:26.00 18:33.00 19:59.00
Sam Greene Woodstock Academy -5:16.00 18:42.00 23:58.00
Jonathan Casarola Bristol Eastern High School -2:07.00 18:43.00 20:50.00
HARRISON DURAND Woodstock Academy -4:06.00 18:44.00 22:50.00
Franco Storniolo Hartford Public High School -2:26.00 18:53.00 21:19.00
Alberto Torres Notre Dame-West Haven -36.00 18:56.00 19:32.00
Brayden Hershberger Masuk High School -1:12.00 18:57.00 20:09.00
Brent Wang Notre Dame-West Haven -1:52.00 19:18.00 21:10.00
Henry MARKS Pomperaug High -2:09.00 19:19.00 21:28.00
Joseph Carone Notre Dame-West Haven -3:07.00 19:22.00 22:29.00
Josh Martin Rockville High School -20.00 19:25.00 19:45.00
Dyalan Lopez East Haven High School -6:22.00 19:56.00 26:18.00
Jeremy Gniadek Masuk High School -54.00 20:10.00 21:04.00
Szymon Winiarczyk Bristol Eastern High School -2:19.00 20:12.00 22:31.00
Andrew Glidden Rockville High School -41.00 20:23.00 21:04.00
Travis Ryley Ellis Technical High School -1:48.00 20:55.00 22:43.00
Aaron Gilfoy Ellis Technical High School -1:45.00 20:59.00 22:44.00
Logan Ohanyan North Haven High School -26.00 21:20.00 21:46.00
Preston Frazer Platt Technical High School -2:47.00 22:39.00 25:26.00
Cru Faughnan East Haven High School +2.00 23:43.00 23:41.00