CIAC Divisional Championships 2022

Manchester, CT

CIAC Divisional Championships 2022 vs CIAC Division SS Boys Championship 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +1526 1673 147
Overall Average +56.50 22:03.14 21:06.64
1st-10th Place -51.30 16:07.70 16:59.00
1st-25th Place -1:16.76 16:21.60 17:38.36
1st-50th Place -1:44.74 16:35.22 18:19.96
1st-100th Place -2:33.85 16:57.08 19:30.93
Common Athletes -- -- 46
Ran Faster -26 10 36
Ran Season Best 3 15 12
Average Time +1:13.02 21:20.09 20:07.07
Median Time +1:12.00 20:43.00 19:31.00
Middle 80% Times +1:13.11 21:17.35 20:04.24
Top 10% Times +1:24.80 18:15.00 16:50.20
Top 25% Times +1:26.33 18:56.17 17:29.83
Top 50% Times +1:21.26 19:35.65 18:14.39
Bottom 50% Times +1:04.78 23:04.52 21:59.74
Bottom 25% Times +41.75 24:15.67 23:33.92
Bottom 10% Times +51.60 25:22.60 24:31.00
Average Difference +1:13.02 -- --
Median Difference +1:24.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:07.24 -- --
Top 10% Difference +1:18.60 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:12.57 -- --
Top 25% Difference +1:07.00 -- --
Top 50% Difference +1:12.57 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:13.48 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +42.67 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +2:05.20 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
DYLAN BATHRICK Cromwell High School +2:24.00 19:07.00 16:43.00
Jack Cozean Haddam-Killingworth +46.00 17:33.00 16:47.00
Braeden Knotts East Catholic High School +1:45.00 18:32.00 16:47.00
Daniel McCourt Haddam-Killingworth +1:21.00 18:12.00 16:51.00
Jake Ferrare Holy Cross High School +1:05.00 18:08.00 17:03.00
Evan LoPresti East Hampton High School +1:36.00 18:50.00 17:14.00
Colin Monahan Cromwell High School +2:31.00 20:09.00 17:38.00
Alex Fredericksen Haddam-Killingworth +2:01.00 19:43.00 17:42.00
Michael Jensen East Catholic High School +2:34.00 20:29.00 17:55.00
Patrick Monahan Cromwell High School +2:39.00 20:53.00 18:14.00
Luke O'Mara Litchfield High School +1:28.00 19:53.00 18:25.00
Reide Augustyn Litchfield High School +3:42.00 22:21.00 18:39.00
Jethro Ehrlich University High School +3:01.00 21:42.00 18:41.00
Bryce Figueirdo Cromwell High School +1:38.00 20:25.00 18:47.00
Isaac Motes Oxford High School +1:19.00 20:09.00 18:50.00
Ethan Lindquist Canton High School +37.00 19:33.00 18:56.00
Owen Pothier Plainfield High School +34.00 19:31.00 18:57.00
Julian Benham Northwestern Regional High School +3:18.00 22:21.00 19:03.00
Patrick Cugliari Holy Cross High School +1:12.00 20:17.00 19:05.00
Ryan DePaulo Holy Cross High School -22.00 19:09.00 19:31.00
Kyle Lanese Holy Cross High School +9.00 19:21.00 19:12.00
Otto Gotberg Granby High School +50.00 20:06.00 19:16.00
Cole Fontaine Griswold High School +1:25.00 20:43.00 19:18.00
Owen Lombardi The Morgan School +2:29.00 21:57.00 19:28.00
Andrew Orlowski Woodland High School +1:24.00 20:57.00 19:33.00
Ryan Faillace Oxford High School +1:41.00 21:16.00 19:35.00
Tyler Izquierdo Derby High School -28.00 19:35.00 20:03.00
George Redford III Canton High School +1:01.00 20:37.00 19:36.00
James Campbell Litchfield High School +3:31.00 23:14.00 19:43.00
Declan Russell East Hampton High School -1:07.00 19:59.00 21:06.00
Kyler Newer Montville High School +2:37.00 22:53.00 20:16.00
Nathan Dhillon Montville High School -16.00 20:40.00 20:56.00
Alexander Joseph Montville High School -30.00 20:42.00 21:12.00
Tyrell Mason Waterbury Career Academy +1:53.00 23:29.00 21:36.00
Josh Perrin Plainfield High School +4:57.00 26:56.00 21:59.00
Patrick Trunik Northwest Catholic High School -1:51.00 22:07.00 23:58.00
MADDOX ANDERSON Plainfield High School +2:28.00 24:44.00 22:16.00
Lyle Pitman Valley Regional High School -28.00 22:37.00 23:05.00
Abhijith Tippireddy University High School -1:49.00 22:42.00 24:31.00
Anthony Strunjo The Morgan School +2:36.00 25:20.00 22:44.00
Mason Izquierdo Derby High School +6.00 23:15.00 23:09.00
Josh Covino Oxford High School +33.00 23:46.00 23:13.00
Tobias Armata Academy of Aerospace and Engineering -47.00 23:31.00 24:18.00
Tommy Marcella Oxford High School +1:41.00 25:27.00 23:46.00
Sean Green Oxford High School -1:16.00 24:07.00 25:23.00
Adrian Almeida CREC Academy of Science +1.00 24:26.00 24:25.00