CIAC Divisional Championships 2022

Manchester, CT

CIAC Divisional Championships 2022 vs CIAC Division S Boys Championship 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +1469 1673 204
Overall Average +28.04 22:03.14 21:35.10
1st-10th Place -1:18.20 16:07.70 17:25.90
1st-25th Place -1:35.64 16:21.60 17:57.24
1st-50th Place -1:55.62 16:35.22 18:30.84
1st-100th Place -2:25.09 16:57.08 19:22.17
Common Athletes -- -- 89
Ran Faster -16 37 53
Ran Season Best 12 24 12
Average Time +7.21 20:49.87 20:42.65
Median Time +14.00 20:20.00 20:06.00
Middle 80% Times +11.31 20:40.57 20:29.26
Top 10% Times +8.56 17:36.78 17:28.22
Top 25% Times +15.30 18:18.87 18:03.57
Top 50% Times +15.96 19:03.24 18:47.29
Bottom 50% Times -1.69 22:08.71 22:10.40
Bottom 25% Times -7.91 23:59.35 24:07.26
Bottom 10% Times -26.56 25:42.67 26:09.22
Average Difference +2.74 -- --
Median Difference +1:06.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +9.01 -- --
Top 10% Difference +12.33 -- --
Top 50% Difference +17.44 -- --
Top 25% Difference +13.43 -- --
Top 50% Difference +17.44 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -11.96 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -32.00 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -57.00 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Lorenzo Lopes Immaculate High School +27.00 17:16.00 16:49.00
Parker Cook Old Saybrook High School -31.00 17:05.00 17:36.00
Matthew Kraszewski Nathan Hale-Ray High School -14.00 17:08.00 17:22.00
Kyle McCarron Housatonic High School +34.00 17:44.00 17:10.00
Shepard Livingston Bolton High School -1.00 17:12.00 17:13.00
Seamus Downey Immaculate High School +34.00 18:07.00 17:33.00
Braeden Knotts East Catholic High School +51.00 18:32.00 17:41.00
Griffin Kelly Nathan Hale-Ray High School -48.00 17:51.00 18:39.00
Everett Miller Old Saybrook High School +4:13.00 22:06.00 17:53.00
Aaron Allen Nathan Hale-Ray High School + 17:57.00 17:57.00
Hunter Brown Immaculate High School +30.00 18:33.00 18:03.00
Matthew Doherty St. Paul High School +11.00 18:16.00 18:05.00
Breckin Burke Portland High School +55.00 19:00.00 18:05.00
Liam Quinn Pomperaug High -6:35.00 18:11.00 24:46.00
Evan LoPresti East Hampton High School +37.00 18:50.00 18:13.00
Nwang Choegyal Old Saybrook High School +32.00 18:47.00 18:15.00
Hayden Burke Portland High School +4.00 18:34.00 18:30.00
Eric Dagher Old Lyme High School +50.00 19:22.00 18:32.00
Breton Jake Somers High School +7.00 18:40.00 18:33.00
Luke O'Mara Litchfield High School +1:19.00 19:53.00 18:34.00
Jack Grasso Windsor Locks High School -4.00 18:35.00 18:39.00
Hayden Bell Housatonic High School +1:37.00 20:14.00 18:37.00
Owen McGinley Portland High School +1:14.00 19:55.00 18:41.00
Gabe Nodland Nathan Hale-Ray High School +15.00 18:57.00 18:42.00
Cole Darrow Nathan Hale-Ray High School +20.00 19:07.00 18:47.00
Genesis Rodriguez Kolbe Cathedral High School -23.00 18:54.00 19:17.00
Isaac Swenson Bolton High School -1:05.00 18:55.00 20:00.00
Davin Duffy Bolton High School +8.00 19:03.00 18:55.00
Joshua Dalesio Thomaston High School +15.00 19:11.00 18:56.00
Omar Carrion Kolbe Cathedral High School +1:42.00 20:38.00 18:56.00
Jonomar Centeno Kolbe Cathedral High School +1:54.00 21:00.00 19:06.00
Trevor Scarchilli Wheeler High School +47.00 19:55.00 19:08.00
Louis Uliano East Hampton High School +28.00 19:41.00 19:13.00
Ethan Feinberg Coginchaug Regional High School -46.00 19:16.00 20:02.00
Alex Deveau Somers High School -1:38.00 19:27.00 21:05.00
Nicholas (Nick) Smith Coginchaug Regional High School +43.00 20:16.00 19:33.00
Gerry Hall Portland High School +2:01.00 21:35.00 19:34.00
Tyler Izquierdo Derby High School -1:33.00 19:35.00 21:08.00
Bryce Huestis Somers High School -6.00 19:35.00 19:41.00
Woody Bissaillon Somers High School +13.00 19:49.00 19:36.00
James Bowie Northwest Catholic High School -2.00 19:43.00 19:45.00
Gabriel Tooker Old Lyme High School +23.00 20:11.00 19:48.00
Nicholas Oliva Portland High School -11.00 19:48.00 19:59.00
Maddox Roan Saint Bernard High School -25.00 19:48.00 20:13.00
Joe Kalamarides Northwest Catholic High School +1:06.00 20:55.00 19:49.00
Cam Conway Wheeler High School -1:34.00 19:49.00 21:23.00
Brayden Dunn Coventry High School +30.00 20:20.00 19:50.00
Kai Mitchell Coventry High School -46.00 20:00.00 20:46.00
Jackson DiDonato Thomaston High School +51.00 20:53.00 20:02.00
Matthew Shattuck East Catholic High School +35.00 20:38.00 20:03.00
Ryan Spellman Lyman Memorial High School +33.00 20:39.00 20:06.00
Michael Jensen East Catholic High School +23.00 20:29.00 20:06.00
Benjamin Palmer Windsor Locks High School -2:05.00 20:09.00 22:14.00
Luke Pesce Litchfield High School -1:06.00 20:15.00 21:21.00
Oliver Gatti Lyman Memorial High School +29.00 20:56.00 20:27.00
James Rinaldi St. Paul High School +1:30.00 21:58.00 20:28.00
Gabriel Rutan Old Saybrook High School -37.00 20:32.00 21:09.00
Reide Augustyn Litchfield High School +1:45.00 22:21.00 20:36.00
Aiden Conkllin St. Paul High School +59.00 21:43.00 20:44.00
Hunter Sanchez Lyman Memorial High School -1.00 20:44.00 20:45.00
Mark Burnham Old Lyme High School -19.00 20:52.00 21:11.00
Ryan Skudlarek Coventry High School +15.00 21:21.00 21:06.00
Chase Lewis Northwest Catholic High School -1:33.00 21:06.00 22:39.00
Leonardo Burke Kolbe Cathedral High School -24.00 21:20.00 21:44.00
Eason Zhang Housatonic High School -7.00 21:27.00 21:34.00
Jayson Krysicwicz Wheeler High School +10.00 21:51.00 21:41.00
Patrick Trunik Northwest Catholic High School +20.00 22:07.00 21:47.00
Griffin Konik Shepaug Valley +53.00 22:45.00 21:52.00
Colby Pronovost Terryville High School +50.00 22:45.00 21:55.00
James Campbell Wamogo Regional High School +1:19.00 23:14.00 21:55.00
Alec Marvin Gilbert High School -2:16.00 22:04.00 24:20.00
Logan Prince Portland High School +37.00 22:45.00 22:08.00
James Elliott Coventry High School +2:12.00 24:21.00 22:09.00
Will Pekrul Stafford High School -28.00 22:11.00 22:39.00
Jaden Yarrows Stafford High School -37.00 22:13.00 22:50.00
Isaac Fitch Shepaug Valley +1:25.00 23:39.00 22:14.00
Logan Lovley Stafford High School +23.00 22:40.00 22:17.00
Liam Phelan East Granby High School -2:04.00 22:24.00 24:28.00
Michael DeLayo Wamogo Regional High School +2:54.00 25:29.00 22:35.00
Jonah Lopez Terryville High School -1:07.00 22:43.00 23:50.00
Jonathon Nave Wheeler High School +1:21.00 24:38.00 23:17.00
Aidan Erickson Litchfield High School -4.00 24:13.00 24:17.00
Aidan Phelan East Granby High School +1:04.00 25:32.00 24:28.00
Andrew Case East Granby High School +12.00 25:18.00 25:06.00
Hudson Farley Windsor Locks High School -31.00 25:24.00 25:55.00
Nathaniel Pearsall Putnam High School -2:11.00 25:54.00 28:05.00
Jack Sullivan Gilbert High School -43.00 25:54.00 26:37.00
Mark Naughton Windsor Locks High School -39.00 26:25.00 27:04.00
Athan Sullivan Parish Hill -2:04.00 26:50.00 28:54.00