CIAC Division L Championship 2023 vs CIAC Division L Boys Championship 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +82 255 173
Overall Average +2:22.33 21:47.55 19:25.22
1st-10th Place +10.90 16:36.00 16:25.10
1st-25th Place +17.28 17:14.24 16:56.96
1st-50th Place +25.64 17:53.82 17:28.18
1st-100th Place +36.59 18:45.90 18:09.31
Common Athletes -- -- 54
Ran Faster -44 5 49
Ran Season Best 1 3 2
Average Time +1:02.50 19:27.65 18:25.15
Median Time +1:07.00 19:29.00 18:22.00
Middle 80% Times +1:07.98 19:32.27 18:24.30
Top 10% Times +26.00 16:42.83 16:16.83
Top 25% Times +37.21 17:25.21 16:48.00
Top 50% Times +47.63 18:10.44 17:22.81
Bottom 50% Times +1:17.37 20:44.85 19:27.48
Bottom 25% Times +1:14.50 21:29.79 20:15.29
Bottom 10% Times +54.00 22:18.33 21:24.33
Average Difference +1:02.50 -- --
Median Difference +1:24.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1:05.11 -- --
Top 10% Difference +23.83 -- --
Top 50% Difference +40.00 -- --
Top 25% Difference +29.00 -- --
Top 50% Difference +40.00 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:25.00 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:25.43 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:22.33 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Soheib Dissa Newtown High School +16.00 15:59.00 15:43.00
Luke Cushing Amity High School +28.00 16:27.00 15:59.00
Owen Martin Xavier High School +22.00 16:26.00 16:04.00
Jack Ouellette Xavier High School +20.00 16:40.00 16:20.00
Ryan Boulanger New Canaan High School +57.00 17:43.00 16:46.00
Drew Sharron Darien High School +56.00 17:45.00 16:49.00
Owen Jones Xavier High School +36.00 17:28.00 16:52.00
Caleb Evans Farmington High School +1:41.00 18:35.00 16:54.00
Ian Schmeelk Xavier High School +21.00 17:17.00 16:56.00
Grant Bigger Conard High +20.00 17:33.00 17:13.00
Caleb Davis Simsbury High School +2:33.00 19:46.00 17:13.00
Spencer Paine New Canaan High School +46.00 18:06.00 17:20.00
Jason Costa Naugatuck High School +1:29.00 19:00.00 17:31.00
James Boyd Cheshire High School +41.00 18:13.00 17:32.00
Aiden Padros New Milford High School +56.00 18:35.00 17:39.00
Faizal Zakir Zakir New Canaan High School +1:36.00 19:16.00 17:40.00
Owen Gluck Darien High School -9.00 17:48.00 17:57.00
Charlie Lechowicz Xavier High School -4.00 17:53.00 17:57.00
Matt Randall Shelton High School +1:16.00 19:10.00 17:54.00
Daniel Gomez Simsbury High School +2:51.00 20:47.00 17:56.00
Luke Dalton Naugatuck High School +2:16.00 20:12.00 17:56.00
Jacob Crevani Fairfield Ludlowe +55.00 18:57.00 18:02.00
Alex Baneat Shelton High School +44.00 18:52.00 18:08.00
Ryan Jordan New Canaan High School +45.00 18:55.00 18:10.00
William Oksanen Conard High +1:24.00 19:34.00 18:10.00
Lucas Weaver Fairfield Ludlowe +1:04.00 19:17.00 18:13.00
Liam Van Tonder Amity High School +16.00 18:38.00 18:22.00
Eddie Dalton Naugatuck High School +5:11.00 23:33.00 18:22.00
Adrian Kowalczyk Newington High School +1:28.00 19:51.00 18:23.00
Charlie Stabach Amity High School +1:39.00 20:10.00 18:31.00
Sam Kim Shelton High School +1:33.00 20:05.00 18:32.00
Kaamil Badami Wilton High School +18.00 18:50.00 18:32.00
Lucas Cohen Amity High School +19.00 18:52.00 18:33.00
Naythan Pellerin Bristol Central High School +2:11.00 20:47.00 18:36.00
Santiago Rodriguez Newington High School +1:04.00 19:43.00 18:39.00
Noah Pellerin Bristol Central High School +2:29.00 21:08.00 18:39.00
Adrian Bielski Newington High School +1:55.00 20:38.00 18:43.00
Adrian Koola Amity High School +35.00 19:18.00 18:43.00
Jacob Cullins Farmington High School +1:13.00 19:59.00 18:46.00
Brady Cerra New Milford High School +1:54.00 20:43.00 18:49.00
Daniel Allam Wilton High School +1:21.00 20:11.00 18:50.00
Stephen Sibley Newtown High School +16.00 19:09.00 18:53.00
Brian Sibley Newtown High School +50.00 19:47.00 18:57.00
Zachary Chasen Cheshire High School +2:10.00 21:11.00 19:01.00
Leo Gu Farmington High School +1:21.00 20:46.00 19:25.00
Ryan Pouliot Newington High School +1:15.00 20:40.00 19:25.00
Robert Blount Maloney High School -1:40.00 19:29.00 21:09.00
Ronan Conway Wilton High School -12.00 19:49.00 20:01.00
Nicola DiMatteo Bristol Central High School +1:25.00 22:01.00 20:36.00
Braydan Dwyer Bristol Central High School +42.00 21:21.00 20:39.00
Owen Telesmanick Shelton High School +26.00 21:05.00 20:39.00
Riley Kogut Maloney High School +1:32.00 23:03.00 21:31.00
Jacob Herget Maloney High School -1:07.00 21:33.00 22:40.00
David Matos New Milford High School +31.00 22:19.00 21:48.00