CIAC Division M Championship 2022 vs CIAC Divisional Championships 2022

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -1408 265 1673
Overall Average +26.10 22:29.23 22:03.14
1st-10th Place +56.40 17:04.10 16:07.70
1st-25th Place +1:15.44 17:37.04 16:21.60
1st-50th Place +1:42.16 18:17.38 16:35.22
1st-100th Place +2:16.05 19:13.13 16:57.08
Common Athletes -- -- 264
Ran Faster -264 -- 264
Ran Season Best -98 -- 98
Average Time + 22:28.42 22:28.42
Median Time + 22:12.00 22:12.00
Middle 80% Times + 22:23.16 22:23.16
Top 10% Times + 17:40.96 17:40.96
Top 25% Times + 18:36.56 18:36.56
Top 50% Times + 19:47.89 19:47.89
Bottom 50% Times + 25:08.94 25:08.94
Bottom 25% Times + 26:48.68 26:48.68
Bottom 10% Times + 28:17.37 28:17.37
Average Difference + -- --
Median Difference + -- --
Middle 80% Difference + -- --
Top 10% Difference + -- --
Top 50% Difference + -- --
Top 25% Difference + -- --
Top 50% Difference + -- --
Bottom 50% Difference + -- --
Bottom 25% Difference + -- --
Bottom 10% Difference + -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Brayden Bayek Rocky Hill High School + 16:16.00 16:16.00
Liam Fedigan Jonathan Law High School + 16:36.00 16:36.00
Ryan Moores Bacon Academy + 16:58.00 16:58.00
Matthias Galban Joel Barlow High School + 17:07.00 17:07.00
Noah Perryman Tolland High School + 17:09.00 17:09.00
Cameron Miles Weston High School + 17:13.00 17:13.00
Jackson Sobelman Joel Barlow High School + 17:15.00 17:15.00
Colby Bornstein Tolland High School + 17:18.00 17:18.00
Devin Tala Joel Barlow High School + 17:22.00 17:22.00
Chase McNamara Plainville High School + 17:27.00 17:27.00
Hayden Baber Ledyard High School + 17:28.00 17:28.00
Alex Cole Watertown High School + 17:30.00 17:30.00
Charles Lasko Plainville High School + 17:36.00 17:36.00
Valiantsin Kasabrukhau Plainville High School + 17:42.00 17:42.00
Braedan Ramsey Plainville High School + 17:43.00 17:43.00
Ryan Schmid Joel Barlow High School + 17:47.00 17:47.00
Daniel DiTunno Rocky Hill High School + 17:52.00 17:52.00
Tyler Deme Sheehan High School + 18:09.00 18:09.00
Apollo Josephson Lewis Mills High School + 18:10.00 18:10.00
Jackson (Jack) Hill Ledyard High School + 18:13.00 18:13.00
Owen Hotaling Sheehan High School + 18:15.00 18:15.00
Core Christensen Rocky Hill High School + 18:16.00 18:16.00
Gabriel Huff Ledyard High School + 18:20.00 18:20.00
Teagan McNamee Tolland High School + 18:20.00 18:20.00
Cooper Piesco New Fairfield High School + 18:24.00 18:24.00
Massimo Corrick Branford High School + 18:29.00 18:29.00
Dominick Zdunek Branford High School + 18:31.00 18:31.00
Zachary Barth Lewis Mills High School + 18:32.00 18:32.00
Estriplet Auguste Ledyard High School + 18:33.00 18:33.00
Matthew Berendt Jonathan Law High School + 18:38.00 18:38.00
Nicholas Atkins Lewis Mills High School + 18:40.00 18:40.00
Colin Donahoe Branford High School + 18:42.00 18:42.00
Nick DeMond Watertown High School + 18:42.00 18:42.00
Joseph Meade Foran High School + 18:44.00 18:44.00
Aidan Zahner Tolland High School + 18:45.00 18:45.00
Charles Hedrick Lewis Mills High School + 18:49.00 18:49.00
Brian Smith Rocky Hill High School + 18:55.00 18:55.00
Ayden Collura Rocky Hill High School + 18:56.00 18:56.00
James Miano Rocky Hill High School + 19:02.00 19:02.00
Aidan Ladr Ellington High School + 19:10.00 19:10.00
David Iacino Lewis Mills High School + 19:11.00 19:11.00
Sam Coppola Branford High School + 19:12.00 19:12.00
Max Newton Foran High School + 19:14.00 19:14.00
Matt Creter Watertown High School + 19:17.00 19:17.00
Tighe Duggan Foran High School + 19:18.00 19:18.00
Max Eckhardt Ellington High School + 19:18.00 19:18.00
Jacob Pardalis New Fairfield High School + 19:19.00 19:19.00
Ryan Chater Tolland High School + 19:20.00 19:20.00
Mario Urbina Cruz Tolland High School + 19:22.00 19:22.00
Bryan Medina Sheehan High School + 19:24.00 19:24.00
James Galaburri Foran High School + 19:25.00 19:25.00
Noah Hauswirth Branford High School + 19:25.00 19:25.00
Thomas Leenhouts Lewis Mills High School + 19:26.00 19:26.00
Luke Bartlett Waterford High School + 19:28.00 19:28.00
Kelly Jones Lauralton High School + 19:31.00 19:31.00
Carson Brown Bacon Academy + 19:33.00 19:33.00
Brendan Reas Bacon Academy + 19:33.00 19:33.00
Hunter Panczak Watertown High School + 19:35.00 19:35.00
Kieran Foster Ellington High School + 19:38.00 19:38.00
Jackson Hrebin Joel Barlow High School + 19:40.00 19:40.00
Justin Pavlov Tolland High School + 19:41.00 19:41.00
Demitri Hudak Windham High School + 19:42.00 19:42.00
Ashton Walder Ellington High School + 19:42.00 19:42.00
Katie Mcmorrow New Fairfield High School + 19:44.00 19:44.00
Devin Welch Sheehan High School + 19:48.00 19:48.00
Annecy Vlieks Daniel Hand High School + 19:53.00 19:53.00
Giuseppe Race Norwich Tech + 19:54.00 19:54.00
Matthew Wagner Wolcott High School + 19:55.00 19:55.00
Matthew Krekoska Saint Joseph High School + 19:56.00 19:56.00
Jay Zimmermann Waterford High School + 20:01.00 20:01.00
Carrington Flynn New Fairfield High School + 20:01.00 20:01.00
Sean DONOVAN New Fairfield High School + 20:06.00 20:06.00
Jake Ackley Jonathan Law High School + 20:07.00 20:07.00
Matt Debes Saint Joseph High School + 20:08.00 20:08.00
Kevin Chen Foran High School + 20:10.00 20:10.00
Joshua Mazar Lewis Mills High School + 20:14.00 20:14.00
Zaiden Rukstella Killingly High School + 20:15.00 20:15.00
Ripley Penney New Fairfield High School + 20:15.00 20:15.00
Ian McClain Bacon Academy + 20:15.00 20:15.00
Parker Widlicka Ledyard High School + 20:16.00 20:16.00
Titus Olson Waterford High School + 20:20.00 20:20.00
Elijah Ramsey Plainville High School + 20:22.00 20:22.00
Cole Cahill Foran High School + 20:23.00 20:23.00
Kristina Ponzio Sacred Heart Academy + 20:23.00 20:23.00
Carter Burgess Branford High School + 20:24.00 20:24.00
Hannah Greco New Fairfield High School + 20:27.00 20:27.00
Lucas Murray Ellington High School + 20:27.00 20:27.00
Dallas Fasanella Jonathan Law High School + 20:29.00 20:29.00
Antonio Soldato Ledyard High School + 20:32.00 20:32.00
Sarah Roberts Mercy High School + 20:35.00 20:35.00
Max Neal Weston High School + 20:37.00 20:37.00
Avery Maiese Waterford High School + 20:37.00 20:37.00
Jacob Miller Saint Joseph High School + 20:37.00 20:37.00
Edward Podzunas Wolcott High School + 20:42.00 20:42.00
Aaron Mansfield Sheehan High School + 20:43.00 20:43.00
Julian Steward Plainville High School + 20:43.00 20:43.00
Joseph Galaburri Foran High School + 20:53.00 20:53.00
Divyesh Paladugu Ellington High School + 20:55.00 20:55.00
Rachel Bartolucci Rham High School + 20:57.00 20:57.00
Jack Garcia Ledyard High School + 21:01.00 21:01.00
Rose Penney New Fairfield High School + 21:01.00 21:01.00
Brandon Brites Watertown High School + 21:05.00 21:05.00
Matthew Sullivan Saint Joseph High School + 21:09.00 21:09.00
Tanner Matchett Jonathan Law High School + 21:10.00 21:10.00
Caleb Zahner Ellington High School + 21:10.00 21:10.00
Sam McCormack Weston High School + 21:14.00 21:14.00
Bill Austin Weston High School + 21:18.00 21:18.00
Marc Mbwa-Mboma Weston High School + 21:19.00 21:19.00
Tanner Marrandino Branford High School + 21:20.00 21:20.00
Katherine Beauchene Northwestern Regional High School + 21:20.00 21:20.00
Julia Goric Ellington High School + 21:24.00 21:24.00
Zach Goetz Watertown High School + 21:26.00 21:26.00
Elijah Orbe Norwich Tech + 21:27.00 21:27.00
Joey Linker Weston High School + 21:29.00 21:29.00
Ethan Brown Waterford High School + 21:31.00 21:31.00
Soren Rasmussen Joel Barlow High School + 21:32.00 21:32.00
Patrick Mangan New Fairfield High School + 21:34.00 21:34.00
Ryan Wolanski New Fairfield High School + 21:37.00 21:37.00
Jack Decker Joel Barlow High School + 21:37.00 21:37.00
Nate Vujs New Fairfield High School + 21:40.00 21:40.00
Karla Greenwood Ellington High School + 21:41.00 21:41.00
Justin Ruby Saint Joseph High School + 21:51.00 21:51.00
James O'Leary Waterford High School + 21:52.00 21:52.00
Angelika Kotula Sheehan High School + 21:53.00 21:53.00
Adrianna Gonzalez Foran High School + 21:59.00 21:59.00
Avery Stewart Sacred Heart Academy + 22:02.00 22:02.00
Justin Caisse Norwich Tech + 22:04.00 22:04.00
Amelia Luetjen Tolland High School + 22:06.00 22:06.00
Alexander Gau Rocky Hill High School + 22:07.00 22:07.00
Zara Bilal Rocky Hill High School + 22:10.00 22:10.00
Danielle Lynch Rham High School + 22:10.00 22:10.00
Leilani Duong-Vazquez Mercy High School + 22:11.00 22:11.00
Rishabh Nair Jonathan Law High School + 22:12.00 22:12.00
Josh Benedek Saint Joseph High School + 22:13.00 22:13.00
Emma Conway Suffield High School + 22:13.00 22:13.00
Michael Dickey Bacon Academy + 22:13.00 22:13.00
Beatrice Perrault Mercy High School + 22:15.00 22:15.00
Eleanor Chamberlain Sheehan High School + 22:21.00 22:21.00
Charlotte Carter Weston High School + 22:27.00 22:27.00
Olivia Dyki Foran High School + 22:29.00 22:29.00
Kylie Pardalis New Fairfield High School + 22:32.00 22:32.00
Nina Holm Rham High School + 22:33.00 22:33.00
Delmzio Despard Windham High School + 22:35.00 22:35.00
Robbie Preble Windham High School + 22:38.00 22:38.00
Kevin Reas Bacon Academy + 22:39.00 22:39.00
Caroline Phillips Mercy High School + 22:40.00 22:40.00
Xavier Del Grosso Waterford High School + 22:43.00 22:43.00
Ava Lee Waterford High School + 22:43.00 22:43.00
Sarah Norton Nonnewaug High School + 22:44.00 22:44.00
Russell Sharpe Killingly High School + 22:44.00 22:44.00
Sebastian Creter Watertown High School + 22:47.00 22:47.00
Kane Geddis Killingly High School + 22:48.00 22:48.00
Dalton Evans Jonathan Law High School + 22:55.00 22:55.00
Anna Silliman Tolland High School + 22:57.00 22:57.00
Jay Podziewski Norwich Tech + 22:59.00 22:59.00
Theresa Mathieu Bacon Academy + 23:00.00 23:00.00
Nathaniel Cranson Plainville High School + 23:03.00 23:03.00
Hailey Spooner Sacred Heart Academy + 23:05.00 23:05.00
Hannah Jackson Branford High School + 23:10.00 23:10.00
Mollie Pacheco Tolland High School + 23:14.00 23:14.00
Madelyn Topa Northwestern Regional High School + 23:16.00 23:16.00
Rebecca Willett Ellington High School + 23:20.00 23:20.00
Calista Nephew Mercy High School + 23:23.00 23:23.00
Daniel Larose Norwich Tech + 23:25.00 23:25.00
Julianna Bellagamba Nonnewaug High School + 23:27.00 23:27.00
Natalie Ho Suffield High School + 23:29.00 23:29.00
Tyrese Maldonado Weaver High School + 23:34.00 23:34.00
Alexandria Regan Foran High School + 23:37.00 23:37.00
Juliet McShane Rham High School + 23:39.00 23:39.00
Eliana Fraschilla Mercy High School + 23:41.00 23:41.00
Marla Lafferty Daniel Hand High School + 23:46.00 23:46.00
Cailin McCann Tolland High School + 23:47.00 23:47.00
Kingston Rhodes Killingly High School + 23:47.00 23:47.00
Emma Kirck Sacred Heart Academy + 23:49.00 23:49.00
Heather Mesinger Mercy High School + 23:53.00 23:53.00
Taylor Vertefeuille Windham High School + 23:55.00 23:55.00
Scarlett McKenzie Ellington High School + 23:58.00 23:58.00
Yohan Siongco Norwich Tech + 23:58.00 23:58.00
Madison LaForte Waterford High School + 24:03.00 24:03.00
Emma Cote Bacon Academy + 24:04.00 24:04.00
ALLY DEMOND Watertown High School + 24:06.00 24:06.00
Kylee Bolding Daniel Hand High School + 24:11.00 24:11.00
Melinda McKenzie Bacon Academy + 24:16.00 24:16.00
Peyton Gaudreau Branford High School + 24:19.00 24:19.00
Cora Manfre Tolland High School + 24:21.00 24:21.00
Lillian Brody Tolland High School + 24:22.00 24:22.00
Candice Edmunds Rocky Hill High School + 24:27.00 24:27.00
Lorelei Romasanta Bacon Academy + 24:29.00 24:29.00
Olivia Tebbetts Ellington High School + 24:30.00 24:30.00
Ava Lattanzi Sacred Heart Academy + 24:30.00 24:30.00
Lenah Hellerich Tolland High School + 24:32.00 24:32.00
Lila Wasiolek Branford High School + 24:36.00 24:36.00
Nicholas Possick Weston High School + 24:41.00 24:41.00
Courtney Cajuste Wolcott High School + 24:43.00 24:43.00
Jezaiah Ramos Nonnewaug High School + 24:43.00 24:43.00
Anna Harris Foran High School + 24:47.00 24:47.00
Alyssa Mainville Ellington High School + 24:53.00 24:53.00
Zoe Kaplan Suffield High School + 24:58.00 24:58.00
Caroline Saussy Weston High School + 24:59.00 24:59.00
Nora Hayes Foran High School + 25:00.00 25:00.00
Olivia Crane-Benjam New London High School + 25:00.00 25:00.00
Madelyn Meyers Wolcott High School + 25:02.00 25:02.00
Ella Stone Branford High School + 25:06.00 25:06.00
Annie Vincent Suffield High School + 25:06.00 25:06.00
Cassidy Colantonio Sacred Heart Academy + 25:09.00 25:09.00
Liam Hilbrecht Killingly High School + 25:10.00 25:10.00
Marilena Vieira Rocky Hill High School + 25:13.00 25:13.00
Evelyn Lage Rham High School + 25:15.00 25:15.00
Adeline Steinhaus Waterford High School + 25:20.00 25:20.00
Kendall Croke Watertown High School + 25:20.00 25:20.00
Hanna Staron Daniel Hand High School + 25:22.00 25:22.00
Chloe Parkes Lauralton High School + 25:23.00 25:23.00
Jacob Harry Wolcott High School + 25:24.00 25:24.00
Catherine Field Bacon Academy + 25:24.00 25:24.00
Lana Kolpa Watertown High School + 25:25.00 25:25.00
Isaac Dixon Weaver High School + 25:26.00 25:26.00
Ava Sullivan Ellington High School + 25:26.00 25:26.00
Zoe Fagan Rocky Hill High School + 25:28.00 25:28.00
Eve Mena Lauralton High School + 25:30.00 25:30.00
Carly Budge Northwestern Regional High School + 25:42.00 25:42.00
Anthony Mirto Wolcott High School + 25:45.00 25:45.00
Brianna Docimo Weston High School + 26:04.00 26:04.00
Maya Bell Daniel Hand High School + 26:08.00 26:08.00
Ian Stone Killingly High School + 26:12.00 26:12.00
Guiseppina Santandrea Weston High School + 26:15.00 26:15.00
Tessa Burch Daniel Hand High School + 26:16.00 26:16.00
Lillibeth Moreno Kaynor Tech + 26:16.00 26:16.00
Sarah Lawler Weston High School + 26:16.00 26:16.00
Christina Mattei Watertown High School + 26:31.00 26:31.00
Hawaye Adam Hartford Public High School + 26:36.00 26:36.00
Sarah Kim Suffield High School + 26:39.00 26:39.00
Emily Stewart Nonnewaug High School + 26:39.00 26:39.00
Zariah Thomas Weaver High School + 26:41.00 26:41.00
Courtney Faber Suffield High School + 26:42.00 26:42.00
Lauren Cravanzola Northwestern Regional High School + 26:45.00 26:45.00
Abigail Greco New Fairfield High School + 26:54.00 26:54.00
Anya Gentry New Fairfield High School + 26:55.00 26:55.00
Gabriella Russ Waterford High School + 27:00.00 27:00.00
Krystalee Crespo Kaynor Tech + 27:03.00 27:03.00
Clara Pasacreta Foran High School + 27:06.00 27:06.00
Juliette Forstrom Sacred Heart Academy + 27:09.00 27:09.00
Marina Smiarowski Branford High School + 27:16.00 27:16.00
Madeline Adams Northwestern Regional High School + 27:19.00 27:19.00
Muktha Ramesh Rocky Hill High School + 27:22.00 27:22.00
Jaya Sharma Weston High School + 27:22.00 27:22.00
Mackenzie Scully Nonnewaug High School + 27:28.00 27:28.00
Carson Drolet Weston High School + 27:31.00 27:31.00
Sharae Burris Lauralton High School + 27:35.00 27:35.00
Cayla Bouffard Rocky Hill High School + 27:35.00 27:35.00
Leah Charbonneau Wolcott High School + 27:37.00 27:37.00
Brooke Rodgers Bacon Academy + 27:41.00 27:41.00
DELILAH VAINA Watertown High School + 27:41.00 27:41.00
Grace Foley Foran High School + 27:45.00 27:45.00
Natalie Arbuckle Bacon Academy + 27:57.00 27:57.00
Molly Bartlett Waterford High School + 28:10.00 28:10.00
M.G. McLean Northwestern Regional High School + 28:15.00 28:15.00
Lily Vincent Suffield High School + 28:27.00 28:27.00
Ava Millen Daniel Hand High School + 28:46.00 28:46.00
Taylor Tracy Branford High School + 29:01.00 29:01.00
Avery Pepin Waterford High School + 29:47.00 29:47.00
Mia Mascaro Rocky Hill High School + 30:03.00 30:03.00
Margaret Theis Lauralton High School + 30:33.00 30:33.00
Sydney Jason Wolcott High School + 31:59.00 31:59.00
Janiya Sierra Weaver High School + 32:21.00 32:21.00