OCTOBER 21ST, 2011
Fast Track Timing LLC
Powered by Ipico Sports
Varsity Boys 5000 Meter Run
Place TmPl Name Grad School Time Pace
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1 1 Logan Ross 11 Shepaug Valley HS 16:55.06 5:27
2 2 Tyler Raymond 12 Terryville HS 16:55.43 5:27
3 3 Kevin Sullivan 11 Lewis Mills HS 17:01.53 5:29
4 4 Jonah Riolo 11 Nonnewaug 17:07.70 5:31
5 5 Dan Nolte 11 Nonnewaug 17:18.57 5:35
6 6 Owen McMahon 12 Thomaston HS 17:43.39 5:43
7 7 Cody Brennan 12 Shepaug Valley HS 17:46.44 5:44
8 8 Joe Wihbey 12 Litchfield HS 17:46.91 5:44
9 9 Jackson Morrow 9 Lewis Mills HS 17:50.05 5:45
10 10 Vincent Pistritto 10 Nonnewaug 17:59.90 5:48
11 11 Luke McMahon 10 Thomaston HS 18:08.61 5:51
12 12 Matt Mona 10 Northwestern Regional 18:11.27 5:52
13 13 Seth Abbott 10 Thomaston HS 18:11.42 5:52
14 14 Scott Shaw 11 Northwestern Regional 18:12.24 5:52
15 15 Tyler Lyon 12 Lewis Mills HS 18:17.05 5:54
16 16 Cullen McHale 11 Lewis Mills HS 18:28.41 5:57
17 17 Ryan Gannon 11 Litchfield HS 18:34.69 5:59
18 18 Maverick Gosselin 12 Litchfield HS 18:38.41 6:00
19 19 Michael Mudgett 10 Lewis Mills HS 18:40.17 6:01
20 20 Sean Bodnar 10 Nonnewaug 18:42.12 6:02
21 21 Dmitry Gulak 10 Nonnewaug 18:44.45 6:02
22 22 Zachary Simpson 11 Thomaston HS 18:46.07 6:03
23 23 Connor Dieck 12 Litchfield HS 18:48.72 6:04
24 24 Malik Olsen 11 Thomaston HS 18:48.90 6:04
25 25 Ellery Rourk 11 Shepaug Valley HS 18:53.64 6:05
26 26 Josh Rivard 12 Terryville HS 18:54.52 6:06
27 27 Daniel Kryzanski 10 Lewis Mills HS 18:55.90 6:06
28 28 Tanner Greenlaw 11 Terryville HS 19:07.96 6:10
29 29 Matthew Albino 9 Nonnewaug 19:13.96 6:12
30 30 Clayton Firmender 9 Shepaug Valley HS 19:16.75 6:13
31 31 Joe Freeland 9 Shepaug Valley HS 19:18.14 6:13
32 32 Jeffrey Levins 11 Terryville HS 19:19.55 6:14
33 33 Nick Nemergut 11 Wamogo Regional HS 19:24.87 6:15
34 34 Trevor Daigle 9 Thomaston HS 19:27.79 6:16
35 35 Philip Smith 12 Northwestern Regional 19:39.14 6:20
36 36 Jesse Quinn-Alger 9 Lewis Mills HS 19:49.10 6:23
37 37 Bill Heyne 11 Shepaug Valley HS 19:49.28 6:23
38 38 George Andrews 9 Terryville HS 19:50.24 6:24
39 39 Ben Steers 11 Shepaug Valley HS 20:01.56 6:27
40 40 Ricky Geddes 11 Terryville HS 20:02.36 6:27
41 41 Joe Fainer 11 Thomaston HS 20:04.25 6:28
42 42 TJ Williams 12 Northwestern Regional 20:21.33 6:34
43 43 Alec Goulet 10 The Gilbert School 20:22.12 6:34
44 44 Winter Thorne-Kaun 9 Northwestern Regional 20:30.23 6:36
45 45 Luc Lapenta 12 Litchfield HS 20:38.85 6:39
46 46 Jeff Peck 12 Wamogo Regional HS 20:53.38 6:44
47 47 Chaz Hamel 9 Northwestern Regional 20:56.62 6:45
48 48 John Hearn 11 Northwestern Regional 20:56.72 6:45
49 49 Alex Brady 11 Wamogo Regional HS 21:03.12 6:47
50 50 Taylor Hammond 12 Housatonic 21:25.20 6:54
51 51 Jed Gravel 11 Wamogo Regional HS 21:27.17 6:55
52 52 Harry Krizmanich 11 Litchfield HS 21:43.82 7:00
53 53 Mike Shaw 10 Wamogo Regional HS 21:45.30 7:01
54 54 Alex Bunker-Davis 10 The Gilbert School 22:05.79 7:07
55 55 Riley McAlpine 9 Wamogo Regional HS 22:14.70 7:10
56 56 Gage Hall 11 Housatonic 22:14.73 7:10
57 57 Marcel Stonehill 12 Housatonic 22:18.40 7:11
58 58 Garrett Rogers 11 Housatonic 22:19.36 7:12
59 59 Mike Rodriguez 10 The Gilbert School 22:24.70 7:13
60 60 Oliver Tito 12 The Gilbert School 22:55.23 7:23
61 61 Adam Romano 10 Terryville HS 23:00.21 7:25
62 62 Steven Santovasi 12 Wamogo Regional HS 23:21.53 7:32
63 63 Luis Sanchez 11 The Gilbert School 23:27.94 7:34
64 64 Peter Greco 12 Housatonic 23:27.96 7:34
65 65 Roger Aiudi 10 The Gilbert School 24:06.90 7:46
66 66 Cody Nettleton 9 Housatonic 24:10.74 7:47
67 67 Ismael Lake-Ginouv 9 Housatonic 26:20.52 8:29
Varsity Girls 5000 Meter Run
Place TmPl Name Grad School Time Pace
===== ==== ================== ==== ===================== ======== =====
1 1 Annmarie Tuxbury 12 Northwestern Regional 19:19.82 6:14
2 2 Sabrina Olsen 10 Thomaston HS 19:29.80 6:17
3 3 Cameron Chaplen 11 Thomaston HS 19:40.50 6:20
4 4 Stephanie Deccy 11 Lewis Mills HS 19:55.53 6:25
5 5 Becky Perugini 10 Thomaston HS 20:29.28 6:36
6 6 Kathleen Wysocki 10 Northwestern Regional 20:35.43 6:38
7 7 Bridget Nicholas 9 Nonnewaug 20:41.00 6:40
8 8 MacKenzie Blair 10 Thomaston HS 21:12.21 6:50
9 9 Sydney Hock 9 Northwestern Regional 21:13.85 6:51
10 10 Clara Wolfe 10 Shepaug Valley HS 21:31.83 6:56
11 11 Sara Peterson 12 Litchfield HS 21:36.90 6:58
12 12 Julia Tompkins 12 Litchfield HS 21:41.90 7:00
13 13 Kelsey Hall 10 Shepaug Valley HS 22:04.60 7:07
14 14 Sarah Guay 10 Thomaston HS 22:08.94 7:08
15 15 Sarah Simaitis 11 Litchfield HS 22:28.27 7:14
16 16 Katie Francis 11 Nonnewaug 22:40.61 7:18
17 17 Gina Demeo 12 Shepaug Valley HS 22:47.50 7:21
18 18 Raquel Rilolo 9 Nonnewaug 22:49.88 7:21
19 19 Olivia Nordland 10 Litchfield HS 23:09.51 7:28
20 20 Marguax Maxwell 12 Shepaug Valley HS 23:17.18 7:30
21 Brandy McClean 11 The Gilbert School 23:29.68 7:34
22 21 Marissa Concilio 11 Litchfield HS 23:33.05 7:35
23 22 Olivia LaFontan 10 Housatonic 23:38.92 7:37
24 23 Hannah Abbott 9 Thomaston HS 23:45.97 7:39
25 24 Chelsea Hayward 10 Litchfield HS 23:54.42 7:42
26 25 Bryttnie Thomas 10 Thomaston HS 23:57.77 7:43
27 26 Katie Blouin 12 Northwestern Regional 24:00.68 7:44
28 27 Natalie Wihbey 10 Litchfield HS 24:07.92 7:47
29 28 Tessa McNaboe 9 Lewis Mills HS 24:10.15 7:47
30 29 Anne Carlson 12 Wamogo Regional HS 24:24.90 7:52
31 30 Aubree Oppici 10 Nonnewaug 24:27.71 7:53
32 31 Nikki Parzuchowski 12 Shepaug Valley HS 24:44.20 7:58
33 32 Amanda Stocker 10 Lewis Mills HS 24:49.02 8:00
34 33 Brooke Parker 11 Shepaug Valley HS 25:00.24 8:03
35 34 Evangeline Marecki 9 Wamogo Regional HS 25:02.12 8:04
36 35 Sara Valleca 10 Nonnewaug 25:10.95 8:07
37 36 Mai Hidaka 12 Housatonic 25:26.33 8:12
38 37 Taylor Casey 10 Northwestern Regional 25:31.24 8:13
39 38 Corinne Stinton 12 Lewis Mills HS 25:43.20 8:17
40 39 Shannon Paton 10 Housatonic 25:44.84 8:18
41 40 Olivia Mauro 12 Lewis Mills HS 25:45.32 8:18
42 Kaylee Armington 9 Terryville HS 25:48.59 8:19
43 Karlee Picard 10 Terryville HS 25:52.29 8:20
44 41 Sarah Williams 10 Shepaug Valley HS 26:12.92 8:27
45 42 Micki Gregoire 11 Wamogo Regional HS 26:19.49 8:29
46 43 Amy Odenwaelder 11 Wamogo Regional HS 26:24.54 8:31
47 44 Amber Mohagel 11 Lewis Mills HS 26:27.29 8:31
48 45 Meghan Riley 11 Housatonic 26:39.42 8:35
49 46 Gillian McGuire 9 Housatonic 26:44.22 8:37
50 47 Cheyenne Nettleton 12 Housatonic 26:54.42 8:40
51 48 Mikayla Hood 11 Wamogo Regional HS 27:35.60 8:53
52 49 Sarah Sandefur 10 Lewis Mills HS 28:01.05 9:02
53 50 Hope Morse 9 Housatonic 28:12.22 9:05
54 51 Sarah Paisley 12 Wamogo Regional HS 31:01.91 10:00
55 Shakiba Sasani 11 Terryville HS 32:50.87 10:35
56 52 Lizzy Ramsey 9 Wamogo Regional HS 34:27.26 11:06
JV Boys 5000 Meter Run
Place TmPl No. Name School Time Pace
===== ==== ===== ================== ===================== ======== =====
1 1 2815 Daniel Wilcox Lewis Mills HS 19:29.19 6:17
2 2 1710 Jacob Naparstek Lewis Mills HS 19:43.40 6:21
3 3 1698 Derek Cote Lewis Mills HS 20:20.75 6:33
4 4 1701 Timothy Forella Lewis Mills HS 20:38.91 6:39
5 5 1706 Connor McNaboe Lewis Mills HS 20:46.43 6:42
6 6 1702 Connor Hall Lewis Mills HS 21:02.20 6:47
7 7 1784 Chris Windebank Shepaug Valley HS 21:04.52 6:48
8 8 1848 Aiden Dyer Litchfield HS 21:08.54 6:49
9 9 1738 Logan McDermott Litchfield HS 21:11.90 6:50
10 10 2813 Samuel Wazorko Lewis Mills HS 21:15.24 6:51
11 1707 Jeff Molgano Lewis Mills HS 21:16.34 6:51
12 11 1780 Nathan Ong Shepaug Valley HS 21:18.34 6:52
13 12 1756 William Lindquist Northwestern Regional 21:18.88 6:52
14 1715 Robert Powers Lewis Mills HS 21:25.59 6:54
15 2812 Max Waddington Lewis Mills HS 21:27.30 6:55
16 13 1777 Alex Kleinsner Shepaug Valley HS 21:29.11 6:55
17 1749 Alec Rock Nonnewaug 21:40.31 6:59
18 1750 Thomas Shreve Nonnewaug 21:48.11 7:02
19 14 2804 Cameron Hines Litchfield HS 21:48.50 7:02
20 1804 Evan Dalke Wamogo Regional HS 21:51.31 7:03
21 15 2806 Henry Kavle Litchfield HS 21:55.79 7:04
22 1745 Tanner LoPresti Nonnewaug 22:06.82 7:08
23 16 1755 Noah Hemmenway Northwestern Regional 22:08.57 7:08
24 17 2803 Alec Green Litchfield HS 22:19.68 7:12
25 1699 Joseph DiGiuseppe Lewis Mills HS 22:22.24 7:13
26 18 2805 Tom Hinkle Litchfield HS 22:25.49 7:14
27 1800 Alex Scougall Thomaston HS 22:48.44 7:21
28 19 1761 Patrick Reese Northwestern Regional 22:58.12 7:24
29 2814 Brian Wesolowski Lewis Mills HS 23:05.12 7:26
30 20 1771 Ray Cook Shepaug Valley HS 23:11.19 7:28
31 21 1849 Chad Fagan Litchfield HS 23:25.71 7:33
32 22 1772 Chase Davenport Shepaug Valley HS 23:28.33 7:34
33 1700 Nicholas Fitzsomon Lewis Mills HS 23:31.63 7:35
34 1845 Donald Curtis Litchfield HS 23:35.77 7:36
35 1844 Zach Concilio Litchfield HS 23:44.51 7:39
36 1786 Andrew Chase Terryville HS 23:54.76 7:42
37 1826 Jeremy Downs Housatonic 24:01.37 7:44
38 1802 Nick Skaret Thomaston HS 24:02.36 7:45
39 1813 Steven Woodruff Wamogo Regional HS 24:08.83 7:47
40 23 1769 Patrick Buell Shepaug Valley HS 24:09.03 7:47
41 1847 Conor Doty Litchfield HS 24:24.79 7:52
42 1831 Ryan Heacox Housatonic 24:25.57 7:52
43 24 1757 Joe Lodovico Northwestern Regional 24:27.48 7:53
44 25 1759 Ken Morton Northwestern Regional 24:28.57 7:53
45 26 1752 Justin Danville Northwestern Regional 24:46.90 7:59
46 1713 Gregory Osanitsch Lewis Mills HS 24:51.11 8:00
47 1828 John Grusauski Housatonic 25:04.67 8:05
48 1836 Nicholas Burchfiel Housatonic 25:13.88 8:08
49 2816 James Wortman Lewis Mills HS 25:22.54 8:11
50 1697 Michael Carlson Lewis Mills HS 25:59.46 8:22
51 27 1764 DJ Sherman Northwestern Regional 26:29.73 8:32
52 1714 Cameron Pelletier Lewis Mills HS 26:58.38 8:41
53 1805 Kyle Farrell Wamogo Regional HS 27:38.90 8:54
54 28 1770 Zack Collette Shepaug Valley HS 29:00.89 9:21
55 1810 Nick Santovasi Wamogo Regional HS 29:31.87 9:31
56 1712 Michael O'Neil Lewis Mills HS 31:38.91 10:12
57 1776 Keyshawn Hudson Shepaug Valley HS 34:52.12 11:14
58 1778 Ben Levine Shepaug Valley HS 36:23.96 11:43
JV Girls 5000 Meter Run
Place TmPl No. Name School Time Pace
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1 1 1681 Emily Normandin Thomaston HS 23:53.92 7:42
2 2 1677 Megan Fainer Thomaston HS 24:06.52 7:46
3 3 1680 Laura Miller Thomaston HS 24:09.71 7:47
4 1634 Sophia Sabella Litchfield HS 24:20.55 7:51
5 1630 Gabriella Johnson Litchfield HS 24:57.92 8:03
6 1636 Megan Shipp Litchfield HS 25:14.52 8:08
7 4 1687 Mary Voor Thomaston HS 25:16.36 8:09
8 1631 Sierra Markelon Litchfield HS 25:19.10 8:09
9 5 1654 Ying Qain Northwestern Regional 25:29.70 8:13
10 1665 Jemma Roche Shepaug Valley HS 26:14.34 8:27
11 6 1685 Ashley Smith Thomaston HS 26:51.08 8:39
12 7 1655 Bethany Scott Northwestern Regional 26:52.98 8:40
13 8 1656 Jessica Seymour Northwestern Regional 27:43.03 8:56
14 9 1653 Erica Misiorski Northwestern Regional 27:46.20 8:57
15 10 1652 Celeste Menard Northwestern Regional 27:47.24 8:57
16 11 1684 Erica Romanelli Thomaston HS 27:59.68 9:01
17 1621 Shyanna Mohagel Lewis Mills HS 28:21.14 9:08
18 1624 Amanda Sigan Lewis Mills HS 29:23.28 9:28
19 1662 Brianna Miller Shepaug Valley HS 30:34.96 9:51
20 1627 Kelly Tower Lewis Mills HS 30:46.39 9:55
21 12 1649 Laurie Denenholtz Northwestern Regional 31:14.37 10:04
22 1617 Caitlin Brown Lewis Mills HS 31:50.39 10:15
23 13 1815 Lauren Hanlon Housatonic 32:30.98 10:28
24 14 1814 Kiera Bisenius Housatonic 32:37.64 10:31
25 15 1823 Leah Schwaikert Housatonic 32:49.46 10:34
26 16 1676 Brianna Creech Thomaston HS 32:59.54 10:38
27 17 1818 Grace Morse Housatonic 33:25.76 10:46
28 18 1824 Clara Ziegler Housatonic 34:35.10 11:08
29 1688 Rachel Benson Wamogo Regional HS 35:00.34 11:17
30 1696 Kelsey Sudol Wamogo Regional HS 41:30.47 13:22