Berkshire League Championships 2011 vs Berkshire League Championships 2009

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +13 214 201
Overall Average +23.32 23:30.41 23:07.09
1st-10th Place -8.45 17:26.50 17:34.94
1st-25th Place -3.27 18:05.86 18:09.12
1st-50th Place -1.79 18:50.31 18:52.10
1st-100th Place +5.56 20:09.82 20:04.26
Common Athletes -- -- 55
Ran Faster 23 39 16
Ran Season Best -- 55 55
Average Time -49.37 22:11.85 23:01.22
Median Time -1:04.37 21:25.59 22:29.96
Middle 80% Times -47.92 21:37.43 22:25.35
Top 10% Times -40.53 17:18.84 17:59.38
Top 25% Times -36.46 18:00.76 18:37.21
Top 50% Times -46.98 19:08.32 19:55.30
Bottom 50% Times -50.00 24:27.81 25:17.81
Bottom 25% Times -45.94 27:58.64 28:44.58
Bottom 10% Times -1:07.14 31:59.79 33:06.92
Average Difference -49.37 -- --
Median Difference +2.48 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -45.29 -- --
Top 10% Difference -35.96 -- --
Top 50% Difference -39.88 -- --
Top 25% Difference -36.49 -- --
Top 50% Difference -39.88 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -57.01 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -56.03 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -59.91 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Tyler Raymond Terryville High School -1:15.53 16:55.43 18:10.96
Kevin Sullivan Lewis Mills High School -1:21.17 17:01.53 18:22.70
Jonah Riolo Nonnewaug High School -1:50.91 17:07.70 18:58.61
Dan Nolte Nonnewaug High School -5.86 17:18.57 17:24.43
Ted Gravel Wamogo Regional High School +3:44.57 21:27.17 17:42.60
Owen Mcmahon Thomaston High School -5.87 17:43.39 17:49.26
Cody Brennan Shepaug Valley -1:15.02 17:46.44 19:01.46
Joe Wihbey Litchfield High School -55.71 17:46.91 18:42.62
Scott Shaw Northwestern Regional High School -1:43.57 18:12.24 19:55.81
Ryan Gannon Litchfield High School +8.37 18:34.69 18:26.32
Cullen Mchale Lewis Mills High School -3:37.84 18:28.41 22:06.25
Connor Dieck Litchfield High School +14.06 18:48.72 18:34.66
Maverick Gosselin Litchfield High School -24.65 18:38.41 19:03.06
Ellery Rourk Shepaug Valley -2:56.12 18:53.64 21:49.76
Josh Rivard Terryville High School -1:17.61 18:54.52 20:12.13
Tanner Greenlaw Terryville High School -0.41 19:07.96 19:08.37
Annmarie Tuxbury Northwestern Regional High School -7.52 19:19.82 19:27.34
Nick Nemergut Wamogo Regional High School -2:15.14 19:24.87 21:40.01
Philip Smith Northwestern Regional High School -46.62 19:39.14 20:25.76
Cameron Chaplen Thomaston High School -1:23.54 19:40.50 21:04.04
Ben Steers Shepaug Valley +12.98 20:01.56 19:48.58
Harry Krizmanich Litchfield High School +1:45.44 21:43.82 19:58.38
Ricky Geddes Terryville High School -3:23.40 20:02.36 23:25.76
Joe Fainer Thomaston High School -1:46.65 20:04.25 21:50.90
Luc Lapenta Litchfield High School +9.00 20:38.85 20:29.85
Chris Windebank Shepaug Valley +31.56 21:04.52 20:32.96
Jeff Peck Wamogo Regional High School -1:11.03 20:53.38 22:04.41
Alex Brady Wamogo Regional High School -2:39.01 21:03.12 23:42.13
Jeff Molgano Lewis Mills High School -2:32.49 21:16.34 23:48.83
Robert Powers Lewis Mills High School -1:04.37 21:25.59 22:29.96
Sara Peterson Litchfield High School -2:24.45 21:36.90 24:01.35
Cameron Hines Litchfield High School -2:44.04 21:48.50 24:32.54
Henry Kavle Litchfield High School -1:18.68 21:55.79 23:14.47
Marcel Stonehill Housatonic High School -1:34.02 22:18.40 23:52.42
Garrett Rogers Housatonic High School -42.22 22:19.36 23:01.58
Chad Fagan Litchfield High School +58.57 23:25.71 22:27.14
Gina Demeo Shepaug Valley +2.48 22:47.50 22:45.02
Patrick Reese Northwestern Regional High School -9.69 22:58.12 23:07.81
Brandy Maclean Gilbert High School -17.25 23:29.68 23:46.93
Marissa Concilio Litchfield High School +3.00 23:33.05 23:30.05
Emily Normandin Thomaston High School +4.97 23:53.90 23:48.93
Laura Miller Thomaston High School +20.25 24:09.70 23:49.45
Katie Blouin Northwestern Regional High School -1:48.72 24:00.68 25:49.40
Brooke Parker Shepaug Valley +58.18 25:00.24 24:02.06
Ryan Heacox Housatonic High School -1:02.38 24:25.57 25:27.95
Nikki Parzuchowski Shepaug Valley -1:23.67 24:44.20 26:07.87
Erica Misiorski Northwestern Regional High School +2:27.42 27:46.20 25:18.78
Sierra Markelon Litchfield High School -48.88 25:19.10 26:07.98
Corinne Stinton Lewis Mills High School -3:00.75 25:43.20 28:43.95
Amber Mohagel Lewis Mills High School +11.35 26:27.29 26:15.94
Michelle Gregoire Wamogo Regional High School -2:43.72 26:19.49 29:03.21
Meghan Riley Housatonic High School -26.77 26:39.42 27:06.19
Clara Ziegler Housatonic High School +3:12.53 34:35.10 31:22.57
Rachel Benson Wamogo Regional High School -3:41.95 35:00.30 38:42.25
Kelsey Sudol Wamogo Regional High School -2:12.98 41:30.40 43:43.38