Going to the Sun Invitational 2009

Durham, CT

Varsity Girls 4K

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Varsity Girls 4000 Meter Run
Place Name                No.   Team                    Grd Time    Pace  
===== =================== ===== ======================= === ======= ===== 
    1 Annmarie Tuxbury      160 Northwestern Regional H       15:19  6:12 
    2 Claire Smith           24 Avon High school              15:38  6:20 
    3 Lizzie Eberhardt      220 Thomaston                     15:48  6:24 
    4 Kellie Davis           29 Career High School            16:04  6:31 
    5 Kellie Walker         150 North Branford High Sch       16:30  6:41 
    6 Layley Ryan           248 PORTLAND                 12   16:33  6:43 
    7 Leah Miller           225 Thomaston                     16:37  6:44 
    8 TiTi Vanriel           25 Avon High school              16:58  6:52 
    9 Grace Gothers          83 East Catholic High Scho       17:12  6:58 
   10 Lyndsay Stoldt        116 East Hampton High Schoo       17:19  7:01 
   11 Lauren Medeiros       132 Middletown High School        17:20  7:01 
   12 Megan Murphy           95 East Catholic High Scho       17:24  7:03 
   13 Jodi Russo            229 Thomaston                     17:29  7:05 
   14 Paige Wache           266 PORTLAND                  9   17:31  7:06 
   15 Kalli Veldman          26 Avon High school              17:39  7:09 
   16 Emily Kelly            17 Avon High school              17:40  7:10 
   17 Cameron Chaplen       218 Thomaston                     17:47  7:12 
   18 Kyra Coughlin         182 Saint Bernard School          17:52  7:14 
   19 Kelsey Tiedemann      207 Sheehan High School           17:56  7:16 
   20 Liz Plummer           114 East Hampton High Schoo       17:59  7:17 
   21 Emily Halligan         52 Coginchaug Regional Hig       17:59  7:17 
   22 Nikki Pulito           97 East Catholic High Scho       18:03  7:19 
   23 Angie Galanto         107 East Hampton High Schoo       18:05  7:20 
   24 Sydney Keith          222 Thomaston                     18:13  7:23 
   25 Kara Miffitt           94 East Catholic High Scho       18:14  7:23 
   26 Precious Holmes        31 Career High School            18:15  7:24 
   27 Cindy France          254 PORTLAND                 10   18:24  7:27 
   28 Heather Ingraham       74 Cromwell High School          18:27  7:28 
   29 Katie France          244 PORTLAND                 12   18:33  7:31 
   30 Cathy Nepton          203 Sheehan High School           18:43  7:35 
   31 Christey Sheer        249 PORTLAND                 12   18:44  7:35 
   32 Makayla Davis          44 Coginchaug Regional Hig       18:51  7:38 
   33 Colleen Leser         246 PORTLAND                 12   18:51  7:38 
   34 Sarah Neff             96 East Catholic High Scho       18:52  7:38 
   35 Tara Molson            21 Avon High school              18:52  7:38 
   36 Brooke Sheridan        67 Coginchaug Regional Hig       18:57  7:41 
   37 Marlene Gravener      197 Sheehan High School           19:00  7:42 
   38 Lauren Hodge          131 Middletown High School        19:01  7:42 
   39 Jackei Williams       117 East Hampton High Schoo       19:02  7:43 
   40 Alyssa Arre           137 North Branford High Sch       19:04  7:43 
   41 Melanie Badin          38 Coginchaug Regional Hig       19:06  7:44 
   42 Natalie Ihnat         108 East Hampton High Schoo       19:07  7:45 
   43 Lisa Rand             260 PORTLAND                 10   19:09  7:45 
   44 Gina DeMeo            211 Shepaug Valley                19:10  7:46 
   45 Christina Ward        169 Orville H. Platt High S       19:15  7:48 
   46 Katie Blouin          152 Northwestern Regional H       19:17  7:49 
   47 Kelly Labanara        173 Parish Hill High School       19:21  7:50 
   48 Lauren Silverio       158 Northwestern Regional H       19:22  7:51 
   49 Alison Coll           104 East Hampton High Schoo       19:31  7:54 
   50 Kate Riotte            66 Coginchaug Regional Hig       19:32  7:55 
   51 Esther Leon           235 Wilcox                        19:41  7:59 
   52 Corinne McHenry       144 North Branford High Sch       19:44  8:00 
   53 Sarah Ihnat           109 East Hampton High Schoo       19:48  8:01 
   54 Rachael Carnale       195 Sheehan High School           19:48  8:01 
   55 Laura Miller          224 Thomaston                     20:01  8:06 
   56 Samantha Willey       161 Norwich Tech High Schoo       20:02  8:07 
   57 Hannah Russo          228 Thomaston                     20:06  8:08 
   58 Ashley Mase            33 Career High School            20:10  8:10 
   59 Natalie Swanson        70 Coginchaug Regional Hig       20:11  8:10 
   60 Hailey Cowan           11 Avon High school              20:11  8:11 
   61 Allison Londregan     186 Saint Bernard School          20:11  8:11 
   62 Jenna Massaro         200 Sheehan High School           20:12  8:11 
   63 Brooke Parker         214 Shepaug Valley                20:12  8:11 
   64 Sarah Peterson        189 Saint Bernard School          20:14  8:12 
   65 Kathy Saunders        149 North Branford High Sch       20:15  8:12 
   66 Sheila Hunkeler        86 East Catholic High Scho       20:16  8:13 
   67 Ashley Leonard         89 East Catholic High Scho       20:17  8:13 
   68 Nora Sternloe         194 Saint Bernard School          20:17  8:13 
   69 Michelle Wright       208 Sheehan High School           20:20  8:14 
   70 NKrysta Kramer         75 Cromwell High School          20:22  8:15 
   71 Madison Dolecki       153 Northwestern Regional H       20:22  8:15 
   72 Devin Kokoska          54 Coginchaug Regional Hig       20:23  8:15 
   73 Jessica Farley        184 Saint Bernard School          20:28  8:18 
   74 Taryn Bartkus         210 Shepaug Valley                20:29  8:18 
   75 Rebecca Baldasty      180 Saint Bernard School          20:31  8:19 
   76 Anna Savitsky         191 Saint Bernard School          20:34  8:20 
   77 Najeia Mention         34 Career High School            20:40  8:22 
   78 Sofia Lavrentyeva      76 Cromwell High School          20:51  8:27 
   79 Jasmine Hiraldo       233 Wilcox                        20:51  8:27 
   80 Kaitlyn Thomesen       78 Cromwell High School          20:58  8:29 
   81 Laurren Robinson       35 Career High School            21:03  8:31 
   82 Jackie Majeski        236 Wilcox                        21:10  8:34 
   83 Jessica Rogers        147 North Branford High Sch       21:13  8:36 
   84 Anna Abong'o          127 Middletown High School        21:14  8:36 
   85 Zoe Fieldsteel        130 Middletown High School        21:15  8:37 
   86 Courtney Perron       175 Parish Hill High School       21:26  8:41 
   87 Julissa Antigua       230 Wilcox                        21:33  8:44 
   88 Tasseine Edwards       30 Career High School            21:44  8:48 
   89 Haley Gomez           141 North Branford High Sch       21:50  8:51 
   90 Nikki Parzuchowski    216 Shepaug Valley                21:57  8:53 
   91 Janine Parker         215 Shepaug Valley                22:01  8:55 
   92 Priya Charry          129 Middletown High School        22:23  9:04 
   93 Alex Arnold            72 Cromwell High School          22:35  9:09 
   94 Samantha Feitel       232 Wilcox                        22:35  9:09 
   95 Stephanie DeJesus     231 Wilcox                        22:37  9:10 
   96 Chelsea Meagher       145 North Branford High Sch       22:56  9:17 
   97 Samantha Roccaprior   239 Wilcox                        23:33  9:32 
   98 Celeste Menard        154 Northwestern Regional H       24:27  9:54 
   99 Sarah Paisley         213 Shepaug Valley                25:27 10:19 

                          TEAM Results
  1. Thomaston              
            3    7   13   17   24  (53) (54) =    64
         Lizzie Eberhardt, Leah Miller, Jodi Russo, Cameron Chaplen, Sydney
         Keith, Laura Miller, Hannah Russo
  2. Avon High school       
            2    8   15   16   35  (57)      =    76
         Claire Smith, TiTi Vanriel, Kalli Veldman, Emily Kelly, Tara Molson,
         Hailey Cowan
  3. East Catholic High Scho
            9   12   22   25   34  (63) (64) =   102
         Grace Gothers, Megan Murphy, Nikki Pulito, Kara Miffitt, Sarah Neff,
         Sheila Hunkeler, Ashley Leonard
  4. PORTLAND               
            6   14   27   29   31  (33) (43) =   107
         Layley Ryan, Paige Wache, Cindy France, Katie France, Christey Sheer,
         Colleen Leser, Lisa Rand
  5. East Hampton High Schoo
           10   20   23   39   42  (47) (51) =   134
         Lyndsay Stoldt, Liz Plummer, Angie Galanto, Jackei Williams, Natalie
         Ihnat, Alison Coll, Sarah Ihnat
  6. Coginchaug Regional Hig
           21   32   36   41   48  (56) (69) =   178
         Emily Halligan, Makayla Davis, Brooke Sheridan, Melanie Badin, Kate
         Riotte, Natalie Swanson, Devin Kokoska
  7. Sheehan High School    
           19   30   37   52   59  (66)      =   197
         Kelsey Tiedemann, Cathy Nepton, Marlene Gravener, Rachael Carnale,
         Jenna Massaro, Michelle Wright
  8. Career High School     
            4   26   55   74   78  (84)      =   237
         Kellie Davis, Precious Holmes, Ashley Mase, Najeia Mention, Laurren
         Robinson, Tasseine Edwards
  8. North Branford High Sch
            5   40   50   62   80  (85) (92) =   237
         Kellie Walker, Alyssa Arre, Corinne McHenry, Kathy Saunders, Jessica
         Rogers, Haley Gomez, Chelsea Meagher
 10. Northwestern Regional H
            1   45   46   68   94            =   254
         Annmarie Tuxbury, Katie Blouin, Lauren Silverio, Madison Dolecki,
         Celeste Menard
 11. Saint Bernard School   
           18   58   61   65   70  (72) (73) =   272
         Kyra Coughlin, Allison Londregan, Sarah Peterson, Nora Sternloe,
         Jessica Farley, Rebecca Baldasty, Anna Savitsky
 12. Middletown High School 
           11   38   81   82   88            =   300
         Lauren Medeiros, Lauren Hodge, Anna Abong'o, Zoe Fieldsteel, Priya
 13. Cromwell High School   
           28   67   75   77   89            =   336
         Heather Ingraham, NKrysta Kramer, Sofia Lavrentyeva, Kaitlyn Thomesen,
         Alex Arnold
 14. Shepaug Valley         
           44   60   71   86   87  (95)      =   348
         Gina DeMeo, Brooke Parker, Taryn Bartkus, Nikki Parzuchowski, Janine
         Parker, Sarah Paisley
 15. Wilcox                 
           49   76   79   83   90  (91) (93) =   377
         Esther Leon, Jasmine Hiraldo, Jackie Majeski, Julissa Antigua,
         Samantha Feitel, Stephanie DeJesus, Samantha Roccapriore