Relay Rust Buster 2020

New Haven, CT

Meet Information

Meet Director Melissa Stoll invites CIAC high school coaches and their teams to the 2nd Relay Rust Buster Invitational on Saturday, December 15, 2018 starting at 9:00am. This second-year meet provides competition in relay events 4x200m, 4x800m, 1600m Sprint Medley, 4k Distance Medley and 4x400m as well as the Shot Put for individuals for a quickly run meet. The meet is open to registration by CIAC high school coaches who submit their Intent to Enter forms by 9:00pm on 12/10/2018.

The meet will be held in the Moore Field House, 125 Wintergreen Avenue at Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven CT.
1/8" or 1/4" pyramid-type spikes ONLY in running events.
All surfaces are MONDO, with six 39" lanes w/ 70' radius and six 39" sprint/ hurdle lanes.
Parking: Bus can drop off athletes and coaches in front of Moore Field House at 125 Wintergreen Ave. New Haven, CT 06515. Bus then will be directed to Brownell Parking Lot on Farnham Ave. Spectators: Please park in Wintergreen Parking Lot located just passed Moore Field House. Free Parking. No parking allowed at Moore Fieldhouse and at entrance circle.
Spectator Parking Maps:
(#38 Wintergreen Parking Garage parking for spectators and team vans)
Bus Parking Map: Click to view Lot-9 Brownell Parking Lot for team buses.
Timing and Results:
Fully automatic timing and results provided by Paynes Corner Timing
Registration Procedures and Entry Limits:
Coaches interested in participating in are required to submit an online Intent-to-Enter form at the Meet Registration page by 9:00pm on Monday, December 10, 2018 to be eligible for event registration in
REMINDER: Only coaches of teams listed with Accepted Intent to Enter forms at the meet website are eligible to participate in the meet and make event entries. NOTE: The Attendance Status is updated by EZ Meet Services meet management in a periodic review of Intent to Enter forms. Do not send an email asking for update of confirmation status.
Terms for Intent to Enter: Team Reservation and Meet Cancellation fees are charged as part of the overall Event Entry fee. As the coach representing a team you are required to Accept or Reject the following Meet fees prior to submitting your Intent to Enter information. Both fees are included as part of the Event Entry fee.
1. Due to the limited capacity for this Indoor meet the Meet Director requires a Team Reservation Fee where if your team doesn't attend the meet and you failed to notify the Meet Director by email by 9pm on Wednesday 12/12/2018 then payment of $150 per gender team or $300 for combined teams or $25 (per athlete if not entered under team fee) is required from the school.
2. You are also responsible for payment of the Meet Cancellation Fee where if the meet is cancelled due to state-wide mandated travel bans or a lack of our facility of $150 per gender team or $300 for combined teams or $25 (per athlete if not entered under team fee) is required from the school. The Meet Cancellation Fee is still charged in event of individual school-mandated travel bans or school cancellations where team cannot attend.
Entry fees are charged for entering the meet. You owe the entry fee as detailed in the Entry Fees Checks section for all entries made online. There are No Refunds or reduction of entry fee for scratches or no shows. Online Event Entry for Boys and Girls available starting on 11/29/2018 for coaches with accepted Intent to Enter Forms.
Athletes may compete in 3 events; no boy/girl may be entered in more than 3 events including relays. Entry as an alternate count as one of the athlete's three events.
Unlimited entries in Relay Events and Individual Shot Put.
Deadline for Online Event Entry is 8:00pm on Thursday 12/13/2018.
No day of meet entries. There are no late entries or day of meet entries.
EZ Meet Services administers all meet registration in conjunction with the service.
Entry Fees - Checks:
The entry fee for each Boys or Girls team entered is $150.00 or $300 combined teams or $25.00 per individual event athlete.
Teams with outstanding entry fees from a meet last season are not allowed to register event entries until balance is received by Meet Director Melissa Stoll.
All entry fees must be paid by start of the meet. All Entry Fee Balances must be reconciled before the start of the meet for a team to compete. Purchase Orders and school checks are tolerated at day of the meet Entry fees are charged for entering the meet. You owe for each entry made online. No refunds of event entry for scratches or no-shows.
Make check payable to: Stoll Enterprises LLC
Mail to:
Melissa Stoll
211 Mansfield St. #2
New Haven, CT 06511
Federal Tax ID# 46-5403581 If required, coaches should provide their business offices a copy of this W9 Form.
An official invoice for each school is available in Final entry fee is amount shown after entries have closed.
Meet Rules:
Coaches, please pay special attention to the following:

To insure a fair and quality meet, NFHS and CIAC rules will govern all events.
The meet is open to all CIAC high school age athletes competing with their high school team.
Implement Check: An inspector must check in all implements prior to use in the meet. Violators will be disqualified for using implements that have not passed meet inspection.
Coaches and athletes will be asked to stay away from the finish line as there will be a FAT system in use.
Moore Field House Rules prohibit outside food, beverages, gum, and tobacco and is strictly enforced.
An Athletic Trainer is available from one hour before the first event until the conclusion of the meet.
Contact Info:
Meet Director:

Meet Director: Melissa Stoll
211 Mansfield St. #2
New Haven, CT 06511
Office: (515) 231-4312
Meet Officials:
Meet Directors/Officials: Melissa Stoll, Bill Sutherland, John Wallin
Track Administrator: Joe Hines
Timing/ Results: Thom Jacobs (Paynes Corner Timing)
Track Event Judges: Brian Nill, Georgette Nixon
Field Event Judges: Joseph Caraciolo, Michael Lee
General admission will be $4.00 for individuals ages 13+.
Meet Admin Services:
EZ Meet Services administers all meet registration in conjunction with services. Email: