Complete Results

Licensed to Holyoke Community College/T. Stewart
                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager 5/28/2014 08:49 PM
                 CCC South Outdoor TF Championship - 5/28/2014                 
                        Bristol Eastern HS, Bristol CT                         
                         EZ Meet Services & IC4A Track                         

                    Women - Team Rankings - 18 Events Scored
    1) Bristol Central            179.50     2) Berlin                    133   
    3) Middletown                 105.50     4) Bristol Eastern            89   
    5) OH Platt                    83        6) Maloney                    59   
    7) Plainville                  39        8) Bulkeley                    6   
                    Men - Team Rankings - 18 Events Scored
    1) Middletown HS              169        2) Bristol Central HS        168   
    3) Bristol Eastern            106.50     4) Maloney                    70   
    4) Plainville HS               70        6) Berlin HS                  48   
    7) OH Platt                    34.50     8) Bulkeley                   31   
Event 1  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Berlin                                             10:28.07   10   
     1) 32 DiCicco, Jody 16             2) 39 Madeia, Kristen 15          
     3) 38 Grieco, Nicole 14            4) 34 Grieco, Michelle 16         
  2 Bristol Central                                    10:56.89    8   
     1) 84 Kreciglowa, Natalia 14       2) 78 Chawner, Brooke 15          
     3) 93 Peterson, Hailey 15          4) 80 Knox, Haley 15              
  3 Bristol Eastern                                    11:08.11    6   
     1) 135 Ali, Nahndi 15              2) 119 Baranowski, Emily 16       
     3) 108 Pasqua, Nina 16             4) 101 Deloge, Emily 15           
  4 Plainville                                         11:30.01    5   
     1) 299 Russell, Delaney 14         2) 306 Duncan, Nikki-Ann 14       
     3) 297 Lopez, Lexxi 16             4) 313 Lux, Melissa 16            
  5 OH Platt                                           11:57.12    4   
     1) 267 Castro, Yarivette 16        2) 271 Pedevillano, Tessa 15      
     3) 262 Marrufo, Jenifer 14         4) 254 Peach, Jessica 14          
  6 Middletown                                         12:06.61    3   
     1) 200 Gassman, Jamie 16           2) 186 Hernandez, Shakira 17      
     3) 193 Collins, Lexi 17            4) 194 Nielsen, Mikayla 16        
Event 2  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Bristol Central HS                                  8:47.73   10   
     1) 61 Damon-Smith, Andrew 15       2) 62 Zaino, Jason 14             
     3) 67 D'Amato, Jake 14             4) 45 Marcantonio, Andrew 16      
  2 Middletown HS                                       9:00.45    8   
     1) 216 Alvarez, Mateo 14           2) 234 Highsmith, Chris 15        
     3) 219 Coleman, Jalen 17           4) 233 Dunn, Evan 16              
  3 Bristol Eastern                                     9:10.59    6   
     1) 127 Centony, Michael 16         2) 110 Tenan, Kenny 15            
     3) 133 Casassanta, Anthony 14      4) 99 Girouard, Max 15            
  4 Berlin HS                                           9:38.91    5   
     1) 6 Rose, Kevin 16                2) 18 Papacoda, Sam 15            
     3) 22 Perez, Dan 16                4) 17 Hilbie, Evan 17             
  5 OH Platt                                            9:44.80    4   
     1) 250 Ligero, Ruben 14            2) 268 Matias, Dante 16           
     3) 237 Peach, Brian 16             4) 265 Dudley, Daj'jah 15         
  6 Plainville HS                                      10:53.73    3   
     1) 274 Carlone, Cory 17            2) 278 Bandle, Isaiah 17          
     3) 293 Irizarry, Jacob 17          4) 285 Goldsnider, Bert 17        
Event 3  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Middletown                                            50.46   10   
     1) 191 Henley, Arabia 14           2) 202 Bomely, Amanda 15          
     3) 185 Barbour, Jennifer 17        4) 201 Mayo, Rajeen 14            
  2 Berlin                                                50.93    8   
     1) 41 Carbonell, Samantha 14       2) 36 Budney, Taylor 16           
     3) 35 morell, sophia 14            4) 40 Daddario, Sarah 17          
  3 Maloney                                               51.84    6   
     1) 160 Burt, Briana 14             2) 154 Miller, Leah 14            
     3) 181 Raye, Chantel 15            4) 178 Donlon, Kelly 16           
  4 Bulkeley                                              52.45    5   
     1) 146 Arthur, Merlee 15           2) 140 Brooks, Omari 16           
     3) 149 Lawrence, Dajah 15          4) 138 Laroche, Begotty 17        
  5 Bristol Central                                       53.47    4   
     1) 92 Luba, Rileigh 14             2) 82 Walton, Esharra 15          
     3) 89 Guglietta, Kerri 15          4) 76 Kochin, Alexia 15           
  6 Bristol Eastern                                       53.51    3   
     1) 104 Darragjati, Meri 15         2) 126 Thurston, Ciera 16         
     3) 111 Zdun, Amanda 14             4) 123 Gunn, Halliee 14           
  7 Plainville                                            56.97    2   
     1) 307 mccrorey, taleah 17         2) 312 Thibodeau, Michelle 14     
     3) 308 Kane, Erin 16               4) 315 Pratt, Paige 14            
Event 4  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Middletown HS                                         43.79   10   
     1) 230 Highsmith, London 14        2) 207 Perry, Jeremy 14           
     3) 213 Homar, Jacob 14             4) 226 Brackett, Kareem 14        
  2 Bulkeley                                              44.17    8   
     1) 151 Champion, Dyvon 15          2) 141 Forbes, Omari 15           
     3) 145 Abdele, Karim 17            4) 144 Maxwell, Rajae 17          
  3 Bristol Central HS                                    44.97    6   
     1) 70 Medina, Luis 17              2) 52 Watson, Tyrice 14           
     3) 56 Burrow, Tyler 14             4) 72 Walton, Keon 14             
  4 OH Platt                                              44.98    5   
     1) 269 Rivera, Fernando 16         2) 261 Ortiz, Armando 14          
     3) 236 Leatherwood, Tyzhan 15      4) 259 Ortiz, Alejandro 16        
  5 Maloney                                               45.17    4   
     1) 182 Pierce, Keven 16            2) 175 White, Joe 15              
     3) 155 Lopez, Ricardo 15           4) 179 Smith, Dimitri 14          
  6 Bristol Eastern                                       45.48    3   
     1) 102 Hernandez, Jorge 17         2) 107 Darragjati, Jozef 15       
     3) 124 Protinick, Justin 15        4) 96 Collins, Dante 16           
  7 Berlin HS                                             45.53    2   
     1) 12 Maslowski, Mitchel 17        2) 26 Inturri, Joe 15             
     3) 4 Lapierre, Christian 16        4) 11 Russell, Kevin 16           
  8 Plainville HS                                         47.95    1   
     1) 281 Maisonette, Alec 14         2) 273 Boutin, Nick 14            
     3) 276 Kane, Alex 15               4) 290 Acey, Tyler 14             
Event 5  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1   160 Burt, Briana        14 Maloney                  16.11q  2 
  2   244 Dawkins, Kamrin     16 OH Platt                 16.38q  1 
  3   206 Privott, Alexus     14 Middletown               18.08q  2 
  4   112 Procko, Kaysie      15 Bristol Eastern          18.11q  1 
  5    87 Savino, Olivia      17 Bristol Central          18.30q  2 
  6   180 Valentin, Mercedes  16 Maloney                  18.32q  1 
  7   199 Wright, Catara      17 Middletown               18.46q  1 
  8    98 Frawley, Kendalyn   14 Bristol Eastern          19.15q  2 
  9   115 Louro, Cynthia      14 Bristol Eastern          19.92   1 
 10   238 Eldridge, Julia     17 OH Platt                 20.38   1 
 11    75 Bossi, Michaela     15 Bristol Central          20.98   2 
Event 5  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   160 Burt, Briana        14 Maloney                  16.33   10   
  2   244 Dawkins, Kamrin     16 OH Platt                 16.48    8   
  3   206 Privott, Alexus     14 Middletown               17.83    6   
  4   112 Procko, Kaysie      15 Bristol Eastern          17.93    5   
  5   180 Valentin, Mercedes  16 Maloney                  18.20    4   
  6   199 Wright, Catara      17 Middletown               18.68    3   
  7    98 Frawley, Kendalyn   14 Bristol Eastern          19.40    2   
 --    87 Savino, Olivia      17 Bristol Central             FS  
Event 6  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1    59 Tolliver, Jamill    15 Bristol Central          16.72q  2 
  2    57 Gordon, Jaavon      16 Bristol Central          16.94q  1 
  3   209 Thompkins, Laurenz  17 Middletown HS            16.98q  2 
  4   102 Hernandez, Jorge    17 Bristol Eastern          17.04q  1 
  5    58 Smith, Jevon        16 Bristol Central          17.05q  1 
  6   224 Dempsey, Calvin     14 Middletown HS            17.64q  1 
  7   129 Maghini, Brandon    14 Bristol Eastern          17.70q  2 
  8   164 Nelson, Gerand      14 Maloney                  18.57q  2 
  9   275 Lestini, Nick       15 Plainville HS            18.84   1 
 10    11 Russell, Kevin      16 Berlin HS                18.94   1 
 11   243 Miranda, Lukas      16 OH Platt                 18.98   1 
 12   241 Dipascuale, Michae  14 OH Platt                 19.23   2 
 13   279 Jiminez, Jesus      17 Plainville HS            19.68   2 
 14     5 Hamel, Jack         17 Berlin HS                20.02   2 
Event 6  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   102 Hernandez, Jorge    17 Bristol Eastern          16.50   10   
  2   209 Thompkins, Laurenz  17 Middletown HS            16.75    8   
  3    58 Smith, Jevon        16 Bristol Central          16.96    6   
  4    59 Tolliver, Jamill    15 Bristol Central          17.08    5   
  5    57 Gordon, Jaavon      16 Bristol Central          17.16    4   
  6   224 Dempsey, Calvin     14 Middletown HS            17.97    3   
  7   129 Maghini, Brandon    14 Bristol Eastern          18.11    2   
  8   164 Nelson, Gerand      14 Maloney                  18.64    1   
Event 7  Girls 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1    74 Craig, Danisha      14 Bristol Central          12.35q  2 
  2   203 Parker, Kierah      16 Middletown               12.87q  2 
  3   191 Henley, Arabia      14 Middletown               13.07q  2 
  4    82 Walton, Esharra     15 Bristol Central          13.10q  3 
  5   304 Echols, Shea        14 Plainville               13.11q  1 
  6   239 McLeish, Jasmine    15 OH Platt                 13.22q  1 
  7   181 Raye, Chantel       15 Maloney                  13.23q  2 
  8   138 Laroche, Begotty    17 Bulkeley                 13.36q  2 
  9   185 Barbour, Jennifer   17 Middletown               13.38   3 
 10   178 Donlon, Kelly       16 Maloney                  13.51   3 
 11   134 Luponio, Sydney     15 Bristol Eastern          13.58   2 
 12    41 Carbonell, Samanth  14 Berlin                   13.60   1 
 13   146 Arthur, Merlee      15 Bulkeley                 13.66   1 
 14   202 Bomely, Amanda      15 Middletown               13.72   3 
 15   255 Young, Malanie      17 OH Platt                 13.75   2 
 16   140 Brooks, Omari       16 Bulkeley                 13.83   3 
 17   154 Miller, Leah        14 Maloney                  13.92   1 
 18    35 morell, sophia      14 Berlin                   13.93   3 
 19   123 Gunn, Halliee       14 Bristol Eastern          14.03   1 
 20    88 Savino, Elise       16 Bristol Central          14.19   3 
Event 7  Girls 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1    74 Craig, Danisha      14 Bristol Central          12.85   10   
  2    82 Walton, Esharra     15 Bristol Central          13.10    8   
  3   304 Echols, Shea        14 Plainville               13.14    6   
  4   239 McLeish, Jasmine    15 OH Platt                 13.24    5   
  5   203 Parker, Kierah      16 Middletown               13.25    4   
  6   191 Henley, Arabia      14 Middletown               13.72    3   
  7   181 Raye, Chantel       15 Maloney                  13.85    2   
  8   138 Laroche, Begotty    17 Bulkeley                 14.03    1   
Event 8  Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1   179 Smith, Dimitri      14 Maloney                  11.37q  3 
  2   151 Champion, Dyvon     15 Bulkeley                 11.43q  4 
  3   226 Brackett, Kareem    14 Middletown HS            11.44q  3 
  4   230 Highsmith, London   14 Middletown HS            11.59q  1 
  5    72 Walton, Keon        14 Bristol Central          11.64q  2 
  6   144 Maxwell, Rajae      17 Bulkeley                 11.66q  4 
  7   291 Correa, Dante       15 Plainville HS            11.67q  4 
  8   141 Forbes, Omari       15 Bulkeley                 11.72q  2 
  9   213 Homar, Jacob        14 Middletown HS            11.73   2 
 10   236 Leatherwood, Tyzha  15 OH Platt                 11.75   1 
 11   259 Ortiz, Alejandro    16 OH Platt                 11.83   4 
 12   124 Protinick, Justin   15 Bristol Eastern          11.87   1 
 13     4 Lapierre, Christia  16 Berlin HS                11.88   1 
 14    96 Collins, Dante      16 Bristol Eastern          11.92   3 
 15   231 Thompkins, Isaiah   15 Middletown HS            11.93   1 
 16   145 Abdele, Karim       17 Bulkeley                 11.99   3 
 17    26 Inturri, Joe        15 Berlin HS                11.99   1 
 18    52 Watson, Tyrice      14 Bristol Central          12.10   2 
 19    12 Maslowski, Mitchel  17 Berlin HS                12.22   4 
 20   281 Maisonette, Alec    14 Plainville HS            12.22   2 
 21    48 Davis, Kareem       16 Bristol Central          12.27   2 
 22   182 Pierce, Keven       16 Maloney                  12.40   3 
 23    70 Medina, Luis        17 Bristol Central          12.43   3 
Event 8  Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   179 Smith, Dimitri      14 Maloney                  11.33   10   
  2   226 Brackett, Kareem    14 Middletown HS            11.39    8   
  3   151 Champion, Dyvon     15 Bulkeley                 11.51    6   
  4   230 Highsmith, London   14 Middletown HS            11.53    5   
  5    72 Walton, Keon        14 Bristol Central          11.74    4   
  6   144 Maxwell, Rajae      17 Bulkeley                 11.74    3   
  7   291 Correa, Dante       15 Plainville HS            11.77    2   
  8   141 Forbes, Omari       15 Bulkeley                 12.30    1   
Event 9  Girls 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1    34 Grieco, Michelle    16 Berlin                 5:25.00   10   
  2    85 Kreciglowa, Nadia   14 Bristol Central        5:36.80    8   
  3    90 Jones, Hannah       17 Bristol Central        5:39.37    6   
  4    27 Grieco, Lisa        17 Berlin                 5:48.83    5   
  5    84 Kreciglowa, Natali  14 Bristol Central        5:55.61    4   
  6    73 Barton, Angela      15 Bristol Central        5:56.08    3   
  7   174 Kenney, Sarah       17 Maloney                6:12.58    2   
  8   101 Deloge, Emily       15 Bristol Eastern        6:16.03    1   
  9   119 Baranowski, Emily   16 Bristol Eastern        6:18.24  
 10   254 Peach, Jessica      14 OH Platt               6:20.96  
 11   302 abdelsame, somer    17 Plainville             6:47.36  
 12   306 Duncan, Nikki-Ann   14 Plainville             6:56.66  
Event 10  Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   287 Abdelsame, Omar     15 Plainville HS          4:30.98   10   
  2   225 Schaff, Ben         14 Middletown HS          4:34.52    8   
  3    44 Zaino, Justin       14 Bristol Central        4:36.69    6   
  4    66 Signore, Josh       15 Bristol Central        4:40.98    5   
  5   286 Costantini, Dan     16 Plainville HS          4:50.55    4   
  6    68 Stanecki, Kordian   15 Bristol Central        4:50.92    3   
  7     9 Harris, Jake        16 Berlin HS              4:52.84    2   
  8    20 Ladd, Connor        16 Berlin HS              4:56.93    1   
  9   233 Dunn, Evan          16 Middletown HS          4:58.63  
 10   265 Dudley, Daj'jah     15 OH Platt               5:01.94  
 11   133 Casassanta, Anthon  14 Bristol Eastern        5:03.54  
 12    99 Girouard, Max       15 Bristol Eastern        5:14.99  
 13   176 Covaleski, Jeff     15 Maloney                5:20.39  
 14   237 Peach, Brian        16 OH Platt               5:49.42  
Event 11  Girls 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1    39 Madeia, Kristen     15 Berlin                   59.94   2  10   
  2   162 Rheaume, Alexandri  16 Maloney                1:00.79   2   8   
  3    74 Craig, Danisha      14 Bristol Central        1:02.36   2   6   
  4   104 Darragjati, Meri    15 Bristol Eastern        1:03.41   2   5   
  5   262 Marrufo, Jenifer    14 OH Platt               1:06.31   2   4   
  6   192 Adjoka-Nartey, Nat  15 Middletown             1:07.01   1   3   
  7    77 Cummings, Ashley    17 Bristol Central        1:07.43   2   2   
  8   204 Ray, Azsha          17 Middletown             1:07.72   1   1   
  9    89 Guglietta, Kerri    15 Bristol Central        1:08.17   2 
 10   263 Thomas, Daphne      16 OH Platt               1:08.42   1 
 11    28 Flaherty, Nicole    16 Berlin                 1:10.38   1 
 12   163 Cardona, Michaela   16 Maloney                1:10.43   1 
Event 12  Boys 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1   107 Darragjati, Jozef   15 Bristol Eastern          51.27   2  10   
  2   221 Houle, Shawn        15 Middletown HS            54.02   2   8   
  3    45 Marcantonio, Andre  16 Bristol Central          54.08   2   6   
  4   218 Whittaker, Marvyn   16 Middletown HS            54.09   2   5   
  5   170 Kroll, David        14 Maloney                  54.22   2   4   
  6   215 Footman, Gene       16 Middletown HS            54.29   2   3   
  7    71 Conaway, D'Andre    15 Bristol Central          54.76   2   2   
  8   157 Zayas, Bryan        15 Maloney                  55.58   1   1   
  9    19 Berger, Alec        16 Berlin HS                56.79   1 
 10   252 Rawlings, Vincent   16 OH Platt                 58.55   2 
 11    16 Nizami, Sikander    14 Berlin HS                59.70   1 
Event 13  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1    30 Lupini, Taylor      15 Berlin                   49.78   2  10   
  2   244 Dawkins, Kamrin     16 OH Platt                 51.34   2   8   
  3    92 Luba, Rileigh       14 Bristol Central          52.06   2   6   
  4   316 Violette, Taylor       Bristol Eastern          53.76   2   5   
  5    88 Savino, Elise       16 Bristol Central          55.16   2   4   
  6   307 mccrorey, taleah    17 Plainville               55.50   1   3   
  7    87 Savino, Olivia      17 Bristol Central          57.21   2   2   
  8    76 Kochin, Alexia      15 Bristol Central          58.18   2   1   
  9   118 Pasqualicchio, Kal  15 Bristol Eastern          58.57   1 
 10   298 andy, emma          14 Plainville             1:02.86   1 
Event 14  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1   102 Hernandez, Jorge    17 Bristol Eastern          43.08   2  10   
  2   209 Thompkins, Laurenz  17 Middletown HS            43.49   2   8   
  3    57 Gordon, Jaavon      16 Bristol Central          43.94   2   6   
  4   295 Brown, Julius       15 Plainville HS            44.12   2   5   
  5    11 Russell, Kevin      16 Berlin HS                45.23   2   4   
  6   283 Freitas, Nino       15 Plainville HS            45.74   1   3   
  7   224 Dempsey, Calvin     14 Middletown HS            45.94   2   2   
  8   129 Maghini, Brandon    14 Bristol Eastern          47.38   2   1   
  9     5 Hamel, Jack         17 Berlin HS                51.03   1 
 10   266 Melendez, Giovanny  17 OH Platt                 51.37   1 
 11   243 Miranda, Lukas      16 OH Platt                 52.81   1 
 --    64 Rodriguez, Eddie    15 Bristol Central             DQ   2  Finished put of lane
 --   169 Horuz, Ozgur        15 Maloney                     DQ   1  knocked over hurdle
Event 15  Girls 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1    32 DiCicco, Jody       16 Berlin                 2:24.24   10   
  2    85 Kreciglowa, Nadia   14 Bristol Central        2:29.68    8   
  3    37 Hagen, Sarah        15 Berlin                 2:32.96    6   
  4    93 Peterson, Hailey    15 Bristol Central        2:34.64    5   
  5    38 Grieco, Nicole      14 Berlin                 2:36.96    4   
  6    80 Knox, Haley         15 Bristol Central        2:41.91    3   
  7   101 Deloge, Emily       15 Bristol Eastern        2:47.29    2   
  8   135 Ali, Nahndi         15 Bristol Eastern        2:48.42    1   
  9   194 Nielsen, Mikayla    16 Middletown             2:57.02  
 10   200 Gassman, Jamie      16 Middletown             2:58.82  
 11   314 tata, elizabeth     16 Plainville             2:59.03  
 12   267 Castro, Yarivette   16 OH Platt               3:10.70  
 13   249 Bonilla, Jaylene    16 OH Platt               3:30.93  
Event 16  Boys 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   288 Lux, Quentin        15 Plainville HS          2:00.61   10   
  2   225 Schaff, Ben         14 Middletown HS          2:03.17    8   
  3   171 Welch, Kyle         14 Maloney                2:03.20    6   
  4    44 Zaino, Justin       14 Bristol Central        2:04.83    5   
  5    61 Damon-Smith, Andre  15 Bristol Central        2:06.99    4   
  6    25 Davila, Mike        16 Berlin HS              2:07.00    3   
  7    62 Zaino, Jason        14 Bristol Central        2:12.85    2   
  8   265 Dudley, Daj'jah     15 OH Platt               2:13.76    1   
  9   110 Tenan, Kenny        15 Bristol Eastern        2:17.69  
 10    99 Girouard, Max       15 Bristol Eastern        2:19.66  
 11    17 Hilbie, Evan        17 Berlin HS              2:20.36  
 12   292 Sifuentes, Ryan     15 Plainville HS          2:20.73  
 13   233 Dunn, Evan          16 Middletown HS          2:23.23  
 --   266 Melendez, Giovanny  17 OH Platt                   DNF  
Event 17  Girls 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1    36 Budney, Taylor      16 Berlin                   26.91   3  10   
  2   304 Echols, Shea        14 Plainville               27.16   3   8   
  3    74 Craig, Danisha      14 Bristol Central          27.18   3   6   
  4    40 Daddario, Sarah     17 Berlin                   27.36   2   5   
  5   239 McLeish, Jasmine    15 OH Platt                 27.54   3   4   
  6   189 Payne, Joi          16 Middletown               27.77   2   3   
  7    41 Carbonell, Samanth  14 Berlin                   28.16   1   2   
  8    82 Walton, Esharra     15 Bristol Central          28.34   3   1   
  9   181 Raye, Chantel       15 Maloney                  28.37   3 
 10   140 Brooks, Omari       16 Bulkeley                 28.38   2 
 11    95 Floyd, Vanessa      17 Bristol Eastern          29.05   1 
 12   180 Valentin, Mercedes  16 Maloney                  29.33   2 
 13   126 Thurston, Ciera     16 Bristol Eastern          29.50   3 
 14   203 Parker, Kierah      16 Middletown               29.52   2 
 15   154 Miller, Leah        14 Maloney                  29.96   2 
 16    79 Kuczenski, Sarah    16 Bristol Central          29.96   1 
 17   255 Young, Malanie      17 OH Platt                 30.29   3 
 18   308 Kane, Erin          16 Plainville               32.38   1 
Event 18  Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1   226 Brackett, Kareem    14 Middletown HS            23.08   3  10   
  2   151 Champion, Dyvon     15 Bulkeley                 23.10   3   8   
  3    55 Lee, Drew           15 Bristol Central          23.72   3   6   
  4    52 Watson, Tyrice      14 Bristol Central          23.81   3   5   
  5   179 Smith, Dimitri      14 Maloney                  23.86   3   4   
  6   259 Ortiz, Alejandro    16 OH Platt                 24.04   3   3   
  7   207 Perry, Jeremy       14 Middletown HS            24.07   3   2   
  8   144 Maxwell, Rajae      17 Bulkeley                 24.12   2   1   
  9   291 Correa, Dante       15 Plainville HS            24.20   2 
 10    12 Maslowski, Mitchel  17 Berlin HS                24.22   2 
 11   145 Abdele, Karim       17 Bulkeley                 24.53   3 
 12     4 Lapierre, Christia  16 Berlin HS                24.53   2 
 13   269 Rivera, Fernando    16 OH Platt                 24.57   1 
 14    48 Davis, Kareem       16 Bristol Central          24.75   2 
 15    96 Collins, Dante      16 Bristol Eastern          25.26   2 
 16   148 Clarke, Kimani      17 Bulkeley                 25.31   1 
 17    26 Inturri, Joe        15 Berlin HS                25.38   1 
 18   141 Forbes, Omari       15 Bulkeley                 25.56   2 
 19   143 Starks, Malik       15 Bulkeley                 25.66   2 
 20   109 Johnson, Gavin      14 Bristol Eastern          26.19   1 
 21   279 Jiminez, Jesus      17 Plainville HS            26.56   1 
 22   218 Whittaker, Marvyn   16 Middletown HS            26.84   1 
 --   215 Footman, Gene       16 Middletown HS               FS   1 
Event 19  Girls 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1    34 Grieco, Michelle    16 Berlin                11:52.05   10   
  2    90 Jones, Hannah       17 Bristol Central       12:28.90    8   
  3    85 Kreciglowa, Nadia   14 Bristol Central       12:29.19    6   
  4    27 Grieco, Lisa        17 Berlin                12:37.87    5   
  5    73 Barton, Angela      15 Bristol Central       12:59.13    4   
  6    84 Kreciglowa, Natali  14 Bristol Central       13:02.31    3   
  7   119 Baranowski, Emily   16 Bristol Eastern       13:50.90    2   
  8   254 Peach, Jessica      14 OH Platt              14:17.73    1   
  9   108 Pasqua, Nina        16 Bristol Eastern       14:33.66  
 10   166 Deegan, Holly       15 Maloney               14:40.20  
 11   314 tata, elizabeth     16 Plainville            14:51.73  
 12   303 tata, stephanie     14 Plainville            14:53.17  
Event 20  Boys 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   287 Abdelsame, Omar     15 Plainville HS         10:12.44   10   
  2    66 Signore, Josh       15 Bristol Central       10:19.78    8   
  3     8 Dwyer, James        14 Berlin HS             10:23.39    6   
  4    50 Varnum, Matt        16 Bristol Central       10:37.36    5   
  5   216 Alvarez, Mateo      14 Middletown HS         10:49.48    4   
  6   217 Joy, Timothy        17 Middletown HS         11:01.92    3   
  7   133 Casassanta, Anthon  14 Bristol Eastern       11:06.02    2   
  8    18 Papacoda, Sam       15 Berlin HS             11:27.21    1   
  9   250 Ligero, Ruben       14 OH Platt              11:38.20  
 10   153 Bischoff, Chris     14 Maloney               12:04.37  
Event 21  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Berlin                                              4:19.13   10   
     1) 39 Madeia, Kristen 15           2) 32 DiCicco, Jody 16            
     3) 40 Daddario, Sarah 17           4) 36 Budney, Taylor 16           
  2 Middletown                                          4:32.28    8   
     1) 192 Adjoka-Nartey, Nat 15       2) 193 Collins, Lexi 17           
     3) 204 Ray, Azsha 17               4) 184 Mason, Shariffa 16         
  3 Maloney                                             4:32.76    6   
     1) 159 Alicea, Briana 14           2) 163 Cardona, Michaela 16       
     3) 180 Valentin, Mercedes 16       4) 162 Rheaume, Alexandria 16     
  4 Bristol Central                                     4:33.22    5   
     1) 77 Cummings, Ashley 17          2) 89 Guglietta, Kerri 15         
     3) 80 Knox, Haley 15               4) 79 Kuczenski, Sarah 16         
  5 Bristol Eastern                                     4:33.91    4   
     1) 104 Darragjati, Meri 15         2) 105 Caggiano, Delaney 15       
     3) 95 Floyd, Vanessa 17            4) 121 Lewandoski, Mikayla 17     
  6 Plainville                                          5:12.71    3   
     1) 310 acey, Lauren 16             2) 308 Kane, Erin 16              
     3) 305 king, justice 14            4) 313 Lux, Melissa 16            
Event 22  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Plainville HS                                       3:32.53   10   
     1) 295 Brown, Julius 15            2) 291 Correa, Dante 15           
     3) 273 Boutin, Nick 14             4) 288 Lux, Quentin 15            
  2 Bristol Eastern                                     3:33.83    8   
     1) 109 Johnson, Gavin 14           2) 128 King, William 16           
     3) 124 Protinick, Justin 15        4) 107 Darragjati, Jozef 15       
  3 Middletown HS                                       3:34.35    6   
     1) 218 Whittaker, Marvyn 16        2) 215 Footman, Gene 16           
     3) 221 Houle, Shawn 15             4) 225 Schaff, Ben 14             
  4 Bristol Central HS                                  3:36.42    5   
     1) 61 Damon-Smith, Andrew 15       2) 44 Zaino, Justin 14            
     3) 71 Conaway, D'Andre 15          4) 45 Marcantonio, Andrew 16      
  5 Maloney                                             3:46.53    4   
     1) 171 Welch, Kyle 14              2) 157 Zayas, Bryan 15            
     3) 182 Pierce, Keven 16            4) 170 Kroll, David 14            
  6 Berlin HS                                           3:52.94    3   
     1) 15 Ladas, Alex 16               2) 19 Berger, Alec 16             
     3) 13 Cornwall, Evan 16            4) 16 Nizami, Sikander 14         
  7 OH Platt                                            3:55.60    2   
     1) 245 Mwamba, Joseph 16           2) 252 Rawlings, Vincent 16       
     3) 256 Dudley, Anthony 14          4) 251 Franco, Christopher 16     
Event 23  Boys Javelin Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   120 Smith, Ken          14 Bristol Eastern         160-00   10   
  2   210 Carraway, Julian    14 Middletown HS           147-04    8   
  3   281 Maisonette, Alec    14 Plainville HS           140-03    6   
  4   282 West, Brendan       15 Plainville HS           131-11    5   
  5    47 Moxam, Josh         16 Bristol Central         125-11    4   
  6   172 Coons, Gerald       14 Maloney                 120-03    3   
  7    53 Flores, Adam        15 Bristol Central         120-02    2   
  8     3 Bozal, Suleyman     15 Berlin HS               114-01    1   
  9   165 Nieves, Jophy       14 Maloney                 113-10  
 10   252 Rawlings, Vincent   16 OH Platt                112-01  
 11   208 Durso, Michael      14 Middletown HS           110-09  
 12   272 D'Agostino, Nichol  14 OH Platt                109-09  
 13   106 Pierce, Dean        14 Bristol Eastern         105-03  
 14     7 Salee, Jacob        16 Berlin HS                89-11  
Event 24  Girls Javelin Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   253 Grundy, Marquia     15 OH Platt                117-04   10   
  2    86 Monsalve, Erika     15 Bristol Central          95-00    8   
  3    91 Martin, Cydney      16 Bristol Central          84-11    6   
  4   173 Ward, Adriana       15 Maloney                  84-08    5   
  5   205 Dandraide, Alexis   14 Middletown               81-11    4   
  6   312 Thibodeau, Michell  14 Plainville               78-06    3   
  7   260 Duffy, Maria        16 OH Platt                 77-02    2   
  8    77 Cummings, Ashley    17 Bristol Central          75-08    1   
  9   125 Lescrynski, Kristy  14 Bristol Eastern          74-07  
 10   132 Rodjenski, Jenna    14 Bristol Eastern          72-09  
 11   300 delana, megan       15 Plainville               70-08  
 12    42 Bilinski, samantha  15 Berlin                   65-07  
 13   203 Parker, Kierah      16 Middletown               58-08  
Event 25  Boys Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   258 LaBissoniere, Thom  14 OH Platt                146-07   10   
  2   120 Smith, Ken          14 Bristol Eastern         141-02    8   
  3   212 Broome, Josh        15 Middletown HS           128-06    6   
  4   161 Miller, Twyman      15 Maloney                 117-05    5   
  5    10 Paszkowski, Dan     15 Berlin HS               112-06    4   
  6   248 Davidson, Dante     15 OH Platt                109-09    3   
  7   130 Harris, Shayne      14 Bristol Eastern         104-02    2   
  8   210 Carraway, Julian    14 Middletown HS           102-06    1   
  9   165 Nieves, Jophy       14 Maloney                 101-02  
 10    60 Boi, Tyler          16 Bristol Central          97-08  
 11   282 West, Brendan       15 Plainville HS            94-07  
 12    54 Nizielski, Chris    16 Bristol Central          93-02  
 13     1 Rich, Alec          16 Berlin HS                91-01  
 14   284 Sherwani, Jalees    16 Plainville HS            86-10  
Event 26  Girls Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   253 Grundy, Marquia     15 OH Platt                 98-07   10   
  2   247 Rule, Marlena       15 OH Platt                 97-08    8   
  3   188 Grygorwicz, Anna    16 Middletown               81-04    6   
  4   309 LaCombe, Morgan     14 Plainville               80-07    5   
  5    33 Conticello, Emily   16 Berlin                   78-05    4   
  6   113 Trucker, Paisley    16 Bristol Eastern          76-02    3   
  7   132 Rodjenski, Jenna    14 Bristol Eastern          75-09    2   
  8   196 Turner, Moesha      14 Middletown               74-06    1   
  9   173 Ward, Adriana       15 Maloney                  70-06  
 10   300 delana, megan       15 Plainville               68-05  
 11   168 Gebo, Ledjin        17 Maloney                  66-11  
 12    43 Repaci, Tess        14 Berlin                   66-03  
 13    91 Martin, Cydney      16 Bristol Central          63-11  
 14    86 Monsalve, Erika     15 Bristol Central          62-10  
Event 27  Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   120 Smith, Ken          14 Bristol Eastern       47-07.25   10   
  2   100 Lumbra, Brandon     14 Bristol Eastern       46-02.50    8   
  3    47 Moxam, Josh         16 Bristol Central       42-08.75    6   
  4   212 Broome, Josh        15 Middletown HS         42-07.25    5   
  5   227 Johnson, Rajahn     14 Middletown HS         42-02.00    4   
  6   130 Harris, Shayne      14 Bristol Eastern       41-01.75    3   
  7   210 Carraway, Julian    14 Middletown HS         38-10.25    2   
  8   248 Davidson, Dante     15 OH Platt              38-03.75    1   
  9   272 D'Agostino, Nichol  14 OH Platt              38-03.50  
 10   165 Nieves, Jophy       14 Maloney               37-08.75  
 11    23 Vernlund, Ryan      14 Berlin HS             36-06.00  
 12    69 Rollins, Austin     14 Bristol Central      J36-06.00  
 13   282 West, Brendan       15 Plainville HS         33-10.00  
 14   293 Irizarry, Jacob     17 Plainville HS         27-10.25  
Event 28  Girls Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   132 Rodjenski, Jenna    14 Bristol Eastern       32-08.00   10   
  2   190 Wilborn, Brielle    17 Middletown            31-00.50    8   
  3   253 Grundy, Marquia     15 OH Platt              31-00.00    6   
  4   196 Turner, Moesha      14 Middletown            29-07.50    5   
  5   247 Rule, Marlena       15 OH Platt              29-02.50    4   
  6   173 Ward, Adriana       15 Maloney               27-08.25    3   
  7   136 Barrett, Chyna      16 Bristol Eastern       27-05.00    2   
  8   270 Inman Johnson, Kay  17 OH Platt              26-11.50    1   
  9    43 Repaci, Tess        14 Berlin                26-11.00  
 10    29 Crowley, Alex       17 Berlin                26-07.50  
 11   301 Farmer, Megan       14 Plainville            26-05.00  
 12   310 acey, Lauren        16 Plainville            26-02.25  
 13    91 Martin, Cydney      16 Bristol Central       24-04.75  
 14   139 Noble, Octavia      14 Bulkeley              24-04.25  
 15    86 Monsalve, Erika     15 Bristol Central       23-10.00  
Event 29  Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1    23 Vernlund, Ryan      14 Berlin HS              5-10.00   10   
  2   207 Perry, Jeremy       14 Middletown HS         J5-10.00    8   
  3    46 Ortiz, Hector       15 Bristol Central        5-08.00    5.50
  3    65 Hamel, Ty'leam      14 Bristol Central        5-08.00    5.50
  5    14 Nawalaniec, Karol   14 Berlin HS             J5-08.00    4   
  6   229 Dempsey, Ryan       15 Middletown HS         J5-08.00    3   
  7   175 White, Joe          15 Maloney                5-06.00    2   
  8    72 Walton, Keon        14 Bristol Central        5-04.00    1   
  9   264 Demace, Dewayne     15 OH Platt              J5-04.00  
  9   103 Thurston, Dimery    14 Bristol Eastern       J5-04.00  
Event 30  Girls High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1    75 Bossi, Michaela     15 Bristol Central        4-08.00   10   
  2    93 Peterson, Hailey    15 Bristol Central        4-06.00    8   
  3   239 McLeish, Jasmine    15 OH Platt              J4-06.00    6   
  4   131 Carrillo, Cierra    16 Bristol Eastern       J4-06.00    5   
  5   187 McMillan, Jasmine   14 Middletown            J4-06.00    4   
  6   136 Barrett, Chyna      16 Bristol Eastern       J4-06.00    3   
  7    42 Bilinski, samantha  15 Berlin                 4-02.00    2   
  8    94 Amparo, Heisuleima  17 Bristol Central       J4-02.00    1   
  9   312 Thibodeau, Michell  14 Plainville             4-00.00  
 10   311 Mahen, kacey        15 Plainville            J4-00.00  
Event 31  Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1    55 Lee, Drew           15 Bristol Central       21-11.00   10   
  2    46 Ortiz, Hector       15 Bristol Central       19-08.00    8   
  3   155 Lopez, Ricardo      15 Maloney               19-06.00    6   
  4   228 Bilal, Taqi         14 Middletown HS         19-05.00    5   
  5   150 Banks, Kamen        15 Bulkeley              18-10.00    4   
  6   232 Baker, Jordan       16 Middletown HS         18-09.00    3   
  7   175 White, Joe          15 Maloney               18-05.00    2   
  8   275 Lestini, Nick       15 Plainville HS         17-02.00    1   
  9   236 Leatherwood, Tyzha  15 OH Platt              16-09.00  
 --    59 Tolliver, Jamill    15 Bristol Central           FOUL  
Event 32  Girls Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   201 Mayo, Rajeen        14 Middletown            16-05.50   10   
  2   160 Burt, Briana        14 Maloney               16-00.00    8   
  3   185 Barbour, Jennifer   17 Middletown            15-07.75    6   
  4    30 Lupini, Taylor      15 Berlin                15-03.50    5   
  5    81 Heffernan, Megan    14 Bristol Central       14-09.00    4   
  6   111 Zdun, Amanda        14 Bristol Eastern       14-04.25    3   
  7    31 Schulz, Hannah      17 Berlin                14-02.00    2   
  8   114 D'Amato, Gianna     16 Bristol Eastern       13-07.00    1   
  9   257 Aguilera, Tiffany   15 OH Platt              11-08.00  
 10   298 andy, emma          14 Plainville            11-00.00  
Event 33  Boys Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1    59 Tolliver, Jamill    15 Bristol Central       43-07.00   10   
  2    55 Lee, Drew           15 Bristol Central       42-04.00    8   
  3   228 Bilal, Taqi         14 Middletown HS         41-02.00    6   
  4   155 Lopez, Ricardo      15 Maloney               39-03.00    5   
  5    46 Ortiz, Hector       15 Bristol Central       39-00.00    4   
  6   230 Highsmith, London   14 Middletown HS         37-04.00    3   
  7    23 Vernlund, Ryan      14 Berlin HS             37-03.00    2   
Event 34  Girls Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1   201 Mayo, Rajeen        14 Middletown            34-02.50   10   
  2    81 Heffernan, Megan    14 Bristol Central       33-10.50    8   
  3   184 Mason, Shariffa     16 Middletown            33-01.00    6   
  4    30 Lupini, Taylor      15 Berlin                32-07.25    5   
  5   304 Echols, Shea        14 Plainville            32-05.75    4   
  6    75 Bossi, Michaela     15 Bristol Central       32-01.50    3   
  7    92 Luba, Rileigh       14 Bristol Central       30-03.50    2   
  8    88 Savino, Elise       16 Bristol Central       29-01.50    0.50
  8   271 Pedevillano, Tessa  15 OH Platt              29-01.50    0.50
 10   114 D'Amato, Gianna     16 Bristol Eastern       28-06.00  
 --   240 Townsend, Jacqualy  15 OH Platt                  FOUL  
Event 35  Boys Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1    97 Parker, Matt        14 Bristol Eastern       11-06.00   10   
  2   167 Forniciari, Daniel  14 Maloney               11-00.00    8   
  3   223 Flynn, Jack         14 Middletown HS        J11-00.00    6   
  4   152 Texidor, Shantez    14 Maloney               10-06.00    5   
  5   116 White, Jeston       14 Bristol Eastern       10-00.00    3.50
  5   242 Hamdan, Ahmad       14 OH Platt              10-00.00    3.50
  7   241 Dipascuale, Michae  14 OH Platt             J10-00.00    2   
  8    49 Pittman, Matt       16 Bristol Central      J10-00.00    1   
  9   289 Sileo, Greg         16 Plainville HS        J10-00.00  
 10   277 Czuprinksi, Tyler   16 Plainville HS          9-00.00  
 11    63 Marcil, Ben         15 Bristol Central       J9-00.00  
 12   214 Long, Alex          14 Middletown HS         J9-00.00  
 13    24 Meyer, Quintin      17 Berlin HS              8-06.00  
 13     2 Kall, Ben           17 Berlin HS              8-06.00  
Event 36  Girls Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1    98 Frawley, Kendalyn   14 Bristol Eastern        8-06.00   10   
  2   134 Luponio, Sydney     15 Bristol Eastern        8-00.00    8   
  3   105 Caggiano, Delaney   15 Bristol Eastern       J8-00.00    6   
  4   156 Rich, Grace         17 Maloney                7-06.00    5   
  5    83 Rioux, Trenessa     17 Bristol Central        6-06.00    4   
  6    81 Heffernan, Megan    14 Bristol Central       J6-06.00    3   
  7   195 Hart, Maddie        17 Middletown             6-00.00    1.50
  7   240 Townsend, Jacqualy  15 OH Platt               6-00.00    1.50
  9   198 Little, Kayla       16 Middletown            J6-00.00