On May 26th, 2018 the Doyon family and Suffield High junior
Kyle Englander are hosting a 5k memorial road race in memory of ET2 Dustin L.
Doyon of the United States Navy, who lost his life while serving on the USS
John S. McCain on August 21, 2017.
The race will take place at Suffield Middle School, 350 Mountain Rd, Suffield, CT with a start time of 10 AM.
Dustin ran at Suffield Middle and High schools but graduated from Springfield Cathedral HS, MA in 2009. He was known by his shipmates as a world-class athlete, and for running the decks every day while deployed. He wrote often about the freedom he felt while "zoning out"; running brought him true happiness and new friendships.
Proceeds from the road race will help support the Dustin Doyon Scholarship Fund. This fund was established in 2017 to offer opportunities to youth who have the same passion and drive to run while furthering their education. This scholarship is offered to keep Dustin's spirit and memory alive.
Race Details:
Registration will be $20
T-shirts for the first 100 registers will be free / additional shirts will be $12
Food, water, and other accommodations will be free
The 1st place male and female will receive a trophy along with a $80 Sunset Tavern Restaurant gift card.
The 2nd place male and female will receive a trophy along with a $50 Zanto's Restaurant gift card.
The 3rd place male and female will receive a trophy along with a $25 Dunkin Donuts gift card.
The 1st place "military finisher" will receive a bucket of hand tools provided by Home Depot.
To register and for more information, go to: https://runfordustin.weebly.com/