We Wanted To Dominate: Nick Dahl On Redemption At State Meet

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Out in front at the beginning of Friends League Championships

Wednesday, October 21st: Yesterday's race still remained in my legs after the night's sleep, so I took today easy and shook out whatever was still lingering. We started the run on campus in lovely 75 degree weather, and went out on a modified version of the golf course loop through Germantown. I spent all of today talking with Phil Celona about classic running history, and debating what would have been the best matchup between the greats of distance running (we settled on a battle between Emil Zatopek and Haile Gebrselassie in the primes of their careers). I personally believed that Zatopek, given the right training and modern technology, could've taken any of the greats, but Phil maintained that Gebrselassie was just too good to be outmatched. Overall, we were out running for roughly 35:30 over 7.94km, averaging about 7:11/mile pace as we jogged through the city. We finished back at the gym for a full upper-body lifting circuit, and a static stretch before finishing the day.